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About WyomingSlick

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    Baggs, Wyoming
  • Interests
    People, Nature, Cosmos, Leatherwork, Woodwork, Metalwork, Fly Fishing, Computers, Music, Art, Crafts, & too many others to list.

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    almost everything
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    one of my eBay buyers

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  1.   On 7/12/2011 at 6:21 PM, WyomingSlick said:

    And then there are the other stamps. Some 150+ of them with no identifying name. In this group there are some that will look like they were probably made by the same maker. If you place them next to one another, the tool shafts will match - same length, knurling, shaft taper, etc. There is one group that seems to be made of 2 differant metals in that the head is not magnetic while the shaft are. These are suppposebly made with a brass head swedged to a steel shaft, and then the whole thing plated with chromium. These have been identified as tools sold by Apache Leather Company in Phoenix,AZ.

    Hello SIr, I am looking for any information, or pictures you have of "Apache Leather Company", Tooling stamps.

    I have started a Facebook group called, "Leather Tools History".  Please stop by, if you are on Facebook.

    Thank you,


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