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Everything posted by KnotHead

  1. I made a video on splitting with 2 different tools. The first one is the cheapest way and the second one is the one I got from my braiding mentor. That one is a bit a money if you buy it from Tandy. Just an idea for the time being. B...
  2. Here's one that my buddy out in Jersey made for me. He did all the machine work on it. I got to beta test the first one. This one sells for $300.00 shipping included. He makes it when you place the order. So it could take him about 3 weeks or so to make it. Everything on this is very precise. I use mine all the time. He also has a different model he has made for a friend of mine in El Paso. That one includes a splitter on top of it. A really neat tool. B... Oh yeah... I forgot to mention the size of it. I can fit it in one of my day hike back packs, or in one of my small duffel bags along with some of my other tools.
  3. Thanks entiendo for the kind comment. When I am able to make one for myself, I have other plans than this one. I have been thinkin with my fingers also. LOL... B...
  4. Bracelet 2 of 3 completed. This one is all in black as requested by customer. B...
  5. Take a look at the TCAA Catalog for 2011. You'll find some interesting braiding in there. 2011 TCAA Catalog B...
  6. Okay. I have to confess this much. My intention was not to use those buckles. But considering that I ended up with a wider braid than I had intended, I had to improvise on what was there. So, I guess you could say by a mistake in calculations, I found a way for a modified buckle for this bracelet. Thank you all for your kind comments. It is much appreciated. B...
  7. It's a 3/8ths inch buckle. B...
  8. I find myself getting the same way. LOL... B...
  9. Thank you for your kind comment Enrique. I do appreciate it. B...
  10. I have done a 1-7 spread on one my own key chains that resulted in the herringbone. The closing of it was difficult to figure out. I even got close to making it the start finish disappear. I have this project that has been buggin me for the past week now. It just wont give me any kind of peace at all. Looks like I'm going to have to try it out to find out if it will actually look good when done. Have any of you all encountered this kind of thing with a project that is on your mind and wont leave you alone? B...
  11. Thank you for your kind comment. B...
  12. Thank you for the kind comment. You mean when I cut the lace from the hide? If so, then I cut the lace at a 1/4" wide with my aussie strander. Then stretch it, then I bevel(30°) the lace down to the width that I desire, then I split the lace to even it out on the flesh side. I can't remember how long they were. 7part 6bight base turks head. Then I inserted the pineapple interweave. Those buckles are a 3/8ths buckle, if I remember right. You're welcome. B...
  13. Repost - Hi Russ. Enrique has graciously offered his translation services to you in case of any doubt within those books, or misunderstanding due to the language separation. lilpep(Jorge) also speaks and reads spanish fluently. He has translated a few documents for me as well as helping me out with some vocabulary. There are some words in other languages that just simply have no translation to the english language. So, in regards to that you'll have to find something, or an object that is relative to both countries to make a translation work. lilpep can either be contacted here on LW, or on KHWW as well. Be patient for his response because he does work full time as many of us do also. I hope that this will aide you. B...
  14. First and foremost. Welcome Nick. Could you share with us which books you have? What kind of material(s) are you interested in braiding with? eg(Raw Hide, Kangaroo Hide)? There are quite a few on here that live in Texas. But how close to you I don't know. To start with material you should get some cheap calf skin lace on a spool. This will not hurt your bank account too much and will give you the lace you need to learn with and make lots of awsome mistakes with at an affordable cost to you. You can find such material at your local Tandy store. Next is books. I don't which one(s) you have. So I will just suggest a few that will be apart of your library till the day you decide not to braid anymore. Ron Edwards: Round Knots & Advanced Leather work volume 2. Ramskull Press sells it. Just do a google search and it should come straight up for you. Tom Hall: Introduction to Turks Heads, Western Tack Tips, More Western Tack Tips. Here's a direct link to Ubraidit who sells all 3 of them - Ubraidit.com - Tom Hall Robert L. Woolery: Braiding Rawhide Horse Tack. - Same folks sell his book also. Small book. But very packed with information. Well worth the price. Here's the direct link. - Ubraidit.com - Robert L Woolery Bruce Grant: Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding. - Same folks sell his book. Here's the direct link. - Ubraidit.com - Encyclopedia of Rawhide & Leather Braiding Next should be a leather fid. You'll need this from time to time when learning to tie the knots. This will aide you in the tightening of the knots. Tandy sells a pretty decent one to start with. I hope that this helps out some what. B...
  15. Ya know, you're right about it being a pineapple for the base. I think I see how to do this one. It uses a second string over the top of the pineapple? B...
  16. He would most likely tell ya to get a piece of string and figure it out. He told me the same thing. But who knows. He may just like ya enough to tell ya. B...
  17. I'm glad you saw that too. I was thinking I was nuts, or my eyes were playin games with me. B...
  18. This one I saw also on FB. I was told to grab a string and find out how to do it. Them and their damn secrets. Oh well... B...
  19. I think I saw a little how to on FB done by Silvio Andres Gallina. Of course this was about 3 or 4 months ago. B...
  20. Hi Enrique. Well since you're part of a public forum, I don't see the difference between a thong and a string. To me, it is the same thing. For me and this is just my thought behind it, if I cut a string, it's still a string and if I cut a thong, it's still a thong. The only thing that separates, or distinguishes one from another is the material used. So for me, no matter the material, I call them strings, lace, or thong. Very nice knife and excellent work. B...
  21. Welcome aboard Enrique. Nice to see you here. LW here is a very fine braider and he has a couple of books he has published. Just thought you all should know. I have one of his books called braided boarders. Excellent book and very informative and easy to follow. B...
  22. Okay. I'll do that. B... Yes it is and in some cases as in mine, I charge more simply because I take the time to pre-do all the work for you. I cut it, stretch it, bevel it, and split it. This way when you get it the lace from me, it's ready to be used. B...
  23. Yes. The skins can come in Red, Pink, Green and White, Blue and some other colors as well. B...
  24. That lace is Kangaroo and is cut, beveled and split in order to achieve that smooth round look as you are describing. There are plenty on here that sell hand cut lace. I am one of many on here that prepare lace and sell it. I have my own store here, Leather Lace Brian...
  25. I think you're already there my friend. You're putting knots around a shape I have not tried yet. I don't exactly have a way to get some horns like that. LOL... B...
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