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Everything posted by KnotHead

  1. Thank you megabit and horsehairbraider for the info and help with my absent mindedness. I am in the I.T. business and use math on a daily basis, which is why I am so embarrassed by my blunder for not seeing the answer which was right in front of me. It must be too many fires in the pot going at the same time for me to be like that. I am not quite sure yet. LOL...
  2. Ah Ha!!! That's it. I am in duh mode now. The divisible part is why. Gosh, I even screwed the whole posted question. Now that I read it again for the 5th time. Forgive me, I am so absent minded. Geesh... If an admin, or mod could please delete this post. My question would seem to be from a moment of &^%$&^# I'll let you use your own word, or words. Sorry guys and gals... Brian...
  3. Hello all. Any who have Ron Edwards book on Round Knots and Braids volume 2 will know exactly what I am talking about. I have been building a dog leash lately for a friend of mine. Picking which plait to use was simple. But the puzzle begins when trying to do a gaucho braid of 10 strings. The following I have deemed a cascading type of anomaly within the math. I know from experience that the gaucho braid can be done with 4 strings, 8 strings, 12 strings, 16 strings and 24 strings. Now here's where the anomaly started to take a pattern to me. To experiment try to do a gaucho braid with 4 or 8 strings for a short run of about 6 inches(15.2cm) long. You will then notice on the left side of the braid the odd number of strings and on the right side an even number of strings. Now, taking into account that the gaucho braid is done on the even number side, example; 4, 8, 12, 16, 24. The anomaly occurred to me when I was reading an article in the braider. The flat plait, or flat braid for a gaucho braid can be done with 10 strings verses the round braided one that I have attempted to complete by doing several sequence changes to the strings without any really good success. In other words the round braid looked like trash. So, after several inches I would tear it apart and start over with a different sequence to see where it would take me. The same results was created. It looked like a gaucho braid, but it did not come together like it should, thereby the braid looked like crap. Now, most of us professional braiders already know that the braid must be as close to perfect as humanly possible, or just straight out perfect in order for the item to sell at its highest possible price. What I don't understand is how this anomaly between the flat braid and the round braid can be so far off from one another. The article in the braider was written about 10yrs ago or so. I could be totally wrong in all this, but I thought I would post this discovery which is not new by all means. But an interesting topic to me and I hope other braiders that have encountered this anomaly I am speaking of. I would be most interested in any and all reasons that this anomaly occurs in the round braid and the flat braid as well. Brian...
  4. In the first project. Referring to the bottom Pineapple Knot. Sometimes from my own experience, I have found that if the core underneath the knot is out of balance, or not properly shaped it can cause those misalignment's like you see with the V's. I have noticed with my own trial and error that the core can cause that kind of problem. Especially if you're using the waxed seine twine to build up the core to the shape you want. I am thinking that this is most likely what happened in that particular instance. But I have been known to be totally wrong.
  5. KnotHead


    I got a couple of great books from Martin Combs website http://www.angelfire.com/ak/skateworld/index.html called Introduction To Turks Head Knots. That book has an abundance of illustrations and directions. That book was my 3rd book I bought from Martin. I ordered them with pay pal and they were on my door step within a week and not to mention Martin is a great knot tier to boot. He's a really cool dude and reliable and very helpful also. Another great book is one by Ron Edwards - Round Knots and Braids vol. 2... Now the books are located in Australia and it the cost is $80.00 USD for the spiral bound one and will take about a month or so to get to the USA. That book also has lots of illustrations and the way Ron has wrote the instructions is in a way down to earth, plain and simple English. With those two books you will have a very large knowledge base to work from. Another one that has caught my eye balls is http://www.knottool.com, another great resource to have in your collection. Don't pass this one up. The owner Don Burrhuss is a member of my website and has made a few really great books that you should just plain have on your book shelf. Tell Don that Brian sent you if you order any of his books online. Don is another down to earth kind of guy and ordering his books was reliable and timely delivery. Hope that this helps out a bit. Brian...
  6. KnotHead

    6 plait braid

    Yes, that is a nice braid when it is done with two colors.
  7. I know that this is probably a little late on this subject. I hope that you can bare with me on this also. When I make these types of knots especially this one being a very wide knot, I will usually do the interweave in sections using three different thongs. This kind of helps keep it all in order for me anyway.
  8. You could try out Ron Edwards book, Round Knots Advanced Leather Work volume 2. Kind of expensive book but worth it. They operate out of Australia. Google for Ram Skull Press.
  9. The sheath idea is awsome.
  10. A boot acts as the cushion between the buckle and the braided loop you have. It cuts out the wear and tear between the leash and the buckle and keeps the braid looking fresh and not marred, or discolored by the buckles metal as it gets used.
  11. Yep a classic IE highjack. I see that one at least 20 or more times a month in the shop. There is also a system highjack known as XP Antivirus 2005-2008. That one is a nasty one too. It will take over your whole system and render the admin rights useless until you buy their product and then the software still invades your O.S. Their are 2 solutions to the problem. Deep removal which in 85% of the cases I have handled did not work because the highjack will replicate itself twice for every attempt to remove it, 2nd option is to remove it permanantly by doing a destructive format and reinstall of the O.S. The second option works thoroughly and completely. Just make sure you back up your data before attempting the second option.
  12. I have attached an image that I hope will help you out.
  13. The formula I use is Length times 1.5...
  14. Hi Jim. In the book we are referring to here, He is tying a basic 5part 4bight casa knot, or better known in the knotting world as a turks head. If you notice, he used all 4 strands tied like displayed for a core for the casa knot to go around. I have instructions on how to do this on my site as well as on my hard drive. I could send the instructions via email if you wish. Just contact me either here by PM, email, or on my website.
  15. I am unsure of what part of that book you are referring to slimjim. could you tell us what page(s) you are looking at?
  16. Here's a little something I made to go around my neck. This one is made from Kangaroo Lace. However, the pendant piece did not turn out so well(straight). The pineapple knot construction did turn out really good. The core of the pendant is an old radio anttena cut to length with a mini-pipe cutter I picked up at a hobby store.
  17. Thanks for the honorable mention Johanna. I went ahead and added your website link to my website also. I hope to be visiting here as much as I can. Nice work on the site by the way.
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