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Everything posted by Stewart

  1. This is in progress. Taking a picture will show problems that need to be corrected. Now the thing is, is that leather grabs paint prohibiting a good flow. the type of sealer before may solve the problem. the type of acrylic,I use which is an oil type instead of the paste type may influence adhesion. I will have to research how Mozart create the paintings he did and the type of medium he used.
  2. Stewart

    Sunflower redo

    opps for got picture
  3. Stewart

    Sunflower redo

    Well i took Suzelle's suggestions / advice and added some background. The proportions were off and once tooled theirs not much you can do to change that. What i done was accented the dark mounds to look more like a rocks with depressions. and used a lighter Grey to simulate ,height. Trim a paint brush to a few fibers and dobbed different colors to make an impression of wild flowers. brightened up the sunflowers
  4. Thank you. Your welcome
  5. After that last mess up I need to reset myself. It maybe a tad off -as the old saying goes ,who's the worst critic!!!! That is a 4 inch round leater. Yeap rear ring .the dark blue should be more rounded. It was tooled that way aso there yooou go.
  6. Stewart

    Sunflower Redo

    Thanks. Thats the way it going. A good idea,i did not think of the rock thing.Not sealed yet and i do love chasing colors.
  7. Stewart

    Sunflower Redo

    4 inch x 6 inch Redone and no better
  8. And thats the reason I strayed away from leatherwork like that. And the knives .Guess your a blacksmith also. Well tanning is an art in it self. Artiscally well done.
  9. Stewart

    Sunflower Redo

    And there you go!!! Not seald so I still can make tame the background and not make it look like islands in a sea but a garden
  10. Stewart


    Thank You Suzelle. I like the bird also. It has been a trip and not over yet. Getting back to these is refreshing.
  11. Stewart


    Now that is "getting even. Thank you.
  12. Stewart


    Checked it out . does resemble that style. Well my dad always sad i was Hinezes 57 kid
  13. Stewart


    Thank you Mike Rock. yes they are. I grew some once and haversted the flower for seeds. Dehydrate time for a friend Need to look that one up. . always show the worst as well as the best.
  14. Stewart


    Thankk you Tsunkasapa. working on it now
  15. Stewart


    Thanks man,It's been a trip and still is.There are times when your tested , What has happened rocked to the core. Grabed my faith and shook it. It't held fast. I retounched the orginal inage to trace. sharpened the edjes so tracing will be better and that may mean a better tooling( if i ever get that knife sharp). That you for yor support.
  16. Stewart


    Been 2 + months since I did any leather work. The theme is good but the tracing is off. The only thing I like is the colors. Knew the as soon as I started tracing this was going south. Swivil was not sharp enough, figers holding the beveling tool started to cramp and drawn in on their own ad had to pull apart.. That cased a lot of chatter marks. The only thing was left that was to see how thye pints would look. Then scrap I will recreat it better next time.
  17. i order a yellow rose to palnt for her .That must have been a hard thing to indure. for me ,I had no time at the time. I had to support her family and her also with that potection . That in a way relevied alot of greif.
  18. Thank You.Billybopp
  19. Thank you for offering support. i have a support group in my realtives. t seems that am providing support for them and that helps with my issues.
  20. thank you PastorBob.
  21. Yes we are alotted so much .The last 37 years has been a roller coaster ride,Good and bad. but fun also. Thank you for your kind words.
  22. Thank You,They were appreciated. Now he has here to deal with.Do belive that extra angels are needed.. Thank you for your kind words,
  23. Thank you.Hospice is the best for careing for termial patients. It will be a while on the leather. I kind of need to find the floor and top of tables from visting her for the last month.
  24. The ddotors and nurses atthe hospitals she was in were supportive. The hospice home went out of their way for us. Sadly she passed and now in no pain. Thank you for your kind words.
  25. Going thru that is very toll taking and assited living is very expensive. Thank you for your kind words. She passed yesterday at a Hospice home. Thank you They were well needed.
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