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Everything posted by Stewart

  1. Stewart


    From the album: stewart

    This was made for life long friend Yes,all ways sample first. freehand letters

    © © leatherworker.net

  2. From the album: stewart

    Well I am 1/2 bubble off anyway

    © © leatherworker.net

  3. From the album: stewart

    done for son-used 1/2 hide

    © © leatherworker.net

  4. Hi If your on the cheap. Chedk dumpsters behind grocery stores. They usely throw old displays out Just repaint. Joe St
  5. Hi thank you src="http://leatherworker.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wave.gif"> Joe Stewart Name: JOEL J STEWART UserName: Stewart IP Address: Email Address: jojstewart@verizon.net
  6. Hi. How can i change my logo name. joelutz i to Joe-Lutz. Lutz is a city where I grew up and still live or to just Stewart. Thank you for your Help Joe Stewart Name: JOEL J STEWART UserName: JoeLutz IP Address: Email Address: jojstewart@verizon.net
  7. From the album: stewart

    I am better at these but running out of family to do them for.

    © © leatherworker.net

  8. From the album: stewart

    I try to do differnt things= a wasted mind-

    © © leatherworker.net

  9. From the album: stewart

    Thoes Ten. boys will ware anything with pride.

    © © leatherworker.net

  10. Wellllllll Problem solved-----------redo------------- But going to send off anyway, mother will use it when the new 13 year old throws one of those teen fits. show it to her frinds. Joe "hobo" Stewart
  11. As i tried everyones sugestion and because I scraped the top layer off the hide There was verry little change. Than my wife sugested tanning oil. Well I used Pamamajjack sunless. It restored the leather almost to the same color as the background. The butchering I did on tooling the face, Thats a different story. I did get it back to passable if you look at it from a distance. Joe Stewart
  12. HI, I never evan thought about doing a holder like that. I have a lot of 1/2 inch tubing laying around. My holder is a styrofoam block from Badcoks furnure stor s dumpster. Same place i get my packing materails for my other crafts. Also a nice colection of tools. Joe Stewart
  13. I think i fixed it. It worked on a small area and you would never guess what i used. If it doesn"t Than another head dent in the wall.Never ever give up. Thats what keeps the insitutions in busines.
  14. Well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried all of the solutions ecept waiting for oil to dry by-self and still have the problem. I did take a knife and scraped the area off. That problie made everying worse. Did try Veg cooking oil on a off side spot that would be covered by a frame. It looked like it might work. Also going to try baby oil or mineral oil. If that fails i have the idea to take the face i traced from-cut it out and glue to the area. If that looks werid than i will do the whole thing over. I do have to start a new Dream catcher for another Grandkid. and two belts for sons. Again thanks for your alls help Joe Stewart
  15. Again thanks to all. Turnd over the leather and yes-darker in that area as in damp. going to dry it up, than see how it looks before doing it over again. Joe Stewart
  16. Hi to all of you, I am going to try each of the steps separtly Right now i am setting it out in the sun. Next the powder. I thought abot the Hair dryer-that seems to be right. Leting it sit for a time maybe pass my patince. and the reason i used neatsfoot was to darken the leather form the orginal color of veg. tan. these tings i do are not for sale but to give to my chrildren and grandkids. They are not good but than they-in there own right are not bad. Family forgives a lot. Joe Stewart
  17. Hi, Hope there is a way to lighten neatsfoot oil. i applied to much to cover up a spot where it did not look like it took. Now the face is darker and set off bad tooling. Her Face looks like frankenstines. Joe Stewart ( joelutz)
  18. Well I did put in the hair. Should have left off face as is. totally messed the lips up. Think i have touched up enought that it does not look like frankenstine.
  19. From the album: stewart

    i have made a few of these also pluss doing bone handle fixed knives

    © © leatherworker.net

  20. From the album: stewart

    this is one traced from

    © © leatherworker.net

  21. From the album: stewart

    1/2 way done plus card i doing it from

    © © leatherworker.net

  22. Hi, thats looks like a Noth American 22. Some one was looking for a pattern and yours is Real good. I also wanted to make one and i know yours will be better made. I am going to try a softer leather with a liner or end up making fringes with the ruined leather. Joe St
  23. Thank you also Joe St
  24. Thank you. I will one of them. Joe Ste
  25. Hi, Should have not used scotch tape to hold down tracing paper to leather. Is there soulution to remove the white film? i am doing a basketball card of my g-daughter on to leather. Thank you for any help . Joe St.
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