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Everything posted by Stewart

  1. bought a ball point stylus . Same lines as using a pitch fork prong. bought a knitting needle. What a difference.

  2. Back from Tandys. new tools and leather.

  3. Happy Holidays and greetings, I have just finished one of those koor kits and ran across a problem. The plastic top ring would not stay in place. ( cut out in foam for ring). The top ring kept popping out when can was inserted than busted one edge. was going to use leather strip to go around inside top for spacer, than remembered i had a strip of velcro felt with glued back. Bingo worked. than i ran a strip[ around bottom to support the plastic bottom. i know the best way is to sew a leather bottom in-thats not my level yet. But if you are just starting out and using kits to gain experence and buy this type of kit i hope my suggestion will help when you get to this last part of finishing. Now hand me that Blood Mary ix and don"t be shy with the vodka. Joe stewart
  4. Dave, Yes it is. I recived a bag full of them from Venus beach Fl. by an in-law. I don't know any kid that would not give an arm for a sharks tooth or a arrow head. The other thing about adding it was that i felt it needed to be added on. I am not a Native American but i do have greek blood in me. Maybe My grandmothers realitives was bit on the butt by a shark while sponge diving off of Tarpon Springs, Fl. Which was there means of support.
  5. From the album: stewart

    Hate for you all to suffer through my projects, but you haven't shut off my privilages yet. You know about 1am newyears day these just might look good. Happy Holidays and cheers to everone. Joe st

    © © leatherworker.net

  6. Well, seeing the time frame I was working with and thelack of ability of haveing done a folding knife case-i bought a kit. So heres pictures of the finished project. Thanks Joe St
  7. Really not part of leater work except for lace and artifical sinew.Another dreamcatcher order.

  8. The books are gone. Had a real nice visit. If you want a real eye opener and your just starting out. Visit a close member's running leather shop. It's amazing and I am perty sure the person will be very frindly and helpful. Plus you get a real life sample of how things should go when working leather. Thank you Kevin for letting me visit you. Joe stewart
  9. Yes , independent work. What you precive (sp) is what you are doing. Step out of the box and go for free expression. Better than mine Joe-( as in Hobo Joe)
  10. covered plants-sent x-mas checks to kids. Any donations accepted . Well what did I work for anyway? To see happenes .

  11. Hi Thomas, I did use neats foot to darken to the color i wanted and than i applied Mod Podge to seal. I have used it before to cover paintings ii have done on a belt and headbands. Sooo not to spend money tring different sealers I used it to experement with. The finish turned out outstanding. i t brought our the color of the leather real nice. Now if it can with stand the water treatment I will use it till its all gone. and then maybe i will try different $$$ sealers. Joe
  12. HI Going to see kevin about books so I think this offer is over. Joe St
  13. Hi I have 7 books 2 are duplicate. The wonderful world ot power hand tool carving by Earl Spike boyd - Wild fowel Decoys by Joel Barber---You can Whittle and carve by Amanda helllum Carving shoreebirds with templates By Harry Shrouds And Anthony Hillman abiginners look at Wood carving with creative power tools Woodcarving Tech. & projects ( a sunset book) carving Realistic Birds by H.D. Green ( manual with full size patterens-2 of these. I would like to trade for leather Craft books/Manuals- that has instructions-patterns. I pay shipping to you and you pay shipping to me. Thank you Joe stewart
  14. Hi to both of you. Talked to my sister last night and word s"cheap case" came out, i explaned casing and why and recomended burning. Well she is better at drawing-painting woodworking (recived from our mother) . Anyway I explaned thats the way to go-to burn that use paint in the groves and than put a clear acrilic over it to seal. I am going to do a new case. I have not done a formed fit yet still a little troubled about doing a case with out wet forming. If I do a kit project it has to be a good kit. Picture and name of knife will be e-mailed to me so I know what i Will be dealing with. To close to x-mas to get it in my hand and no way that kids going to give it up after he recives it. again thanks for your responces Joe
  15. Hi, I was asked to do a name on a knife case for my sister's grandson. That's what little sisters are good for making you do the impossible. Well any way, I have not seen it yet. It is has a black finish. Question is can you belvel an outline around a swivel cut/ What I will more than likely do is burn a outline and fill in grove with paint than seal it. Any suggestions will be apreciated. (sp) Joe Stewart
  16. From the album: stewart

    Hi, Almost done with this set. I have enough leather left to do a flask. I was given some (1/2 lb) of sharks teeth and I added in to the lacing. Well, anyway I will do the flask ($4. at Walmart) taste the liquid to be sure it is worth pouring into flask. May take a few tastings from different brands. Oh--proabition will not fly here. A rigged presure cooker will do the trick. Joe Stewart

    © © leatherworker.net

  17. Well Hi again, I am thinking about doing a sign in holder for my Doctor. He was a Rescue Jumper during the Vietnam War. Hat i was thinking was a solid leather back-leather layered bottom strips on sides and bottom so the paper could slid in. Of coarse there will be tooling done. What I was wondering if anyone has done or has any type of patterens to share? I do have soime ideas and realy not make it look like a basic square run oif mill Pad holder. Thanks for any input you all may have Joe St.
  18. Hi i was wondering wath to use to coat coasters from spillage. I seen post one using acrilic (sp) and foor sealer. would that create a slick surface. Thanks for any input. Joe St
  19. Thanks for input, I thought about both the edge and spacing. I do like the longer weave. I did the tight weave to hide bad tooling (dull knife} Joe St
  20. Hi again, the pictures is the belt i made for me. It is a themed belt. I sold car and heavy over road truck- farm equipment and marine and industral parts for over 40 years for two different companys. I needed a belt and well what better way than to show off why i do not work anymore. I know that it shows a lot of goofs But who ever gets that close to notice while i am wearing it will get real good " Cracker " education. any way Thanks as always for looking qnd yes you alll can zoom in on it. I am here and you all are there and friends Joe
  21. Moe Scottishshoemaker, Hi, I thought about putting a liner in it. Using a good quality plastic zip bag seemed to be a better choice. That way I carry enough for 3 fills.. I do not smoke all day.Just around 4-6 pm on a bench outside pourch. The blend i like is Rattrays Proffesional Mixture. It goes well with my Parker pipe-Famous Grouse or Rye Wiskey Thats is about as good as it gets. Joe "before you can wade through problems-You have to learn how to swim" JJS
  22. Hi, I don't know if this io ok but here goes. I recieve theWoodcraft Magazine and they had an ad for picturs to stencils by Coyote Stencel shop. They have a free download to try and this program is too easy to use. It crates a stencil before it imports a picture. You can resize both hight and width to same deminisions. . have a picture of a baseball and it transformed it automatily and you can adjust contrast ect. Well anyway Thats what i found, plus the mising picture. Joe Stewart
  23. Well I be. Thats a good question. It's problie with the keys i lost along with other items. Must of got tangled up with all the Ideas i have floating around.
  24. How about a steel or wood chisel. I used a small flat headed screwdriver to do the groves on engine piston i am doing for a belt. Stewart
  25. Hi, Have look at what an untrained mind can or try to do. My wife tells me I walk in circles. What she doesn"t know that a idea hits me and i have to go back and look at it. Joe St
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