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Everything posted by LilRay

  1. Thanks Everybody! Doctor, Closest Tandy is 100 miles one way, and I don't drive myself. I've got someone within a short way that's offered to help, but It's a matter of them having the time, and my eagerness to learn has me excited. I got a decent looking border using the veiner today. Nothing special, just something to see improvement. I've got it in my mind to succeed at this now, so there's no turning back. Boy are you folks in trouble. :-) I'll be pestering all of you for advice. Thanks again, God Bless, Ray
  2. Kevin, I've got a bench top drill press. I just might give that a shot today and see what comes of it. Thanks for the tip! God Bless, Ray
  3. What an awesome treasure! Congrats! :D God Bless, Ray
  4. Billy, As is said in farming country, Having CP is a tough row to hoe. I feel for your son, as I have minimal impacts. Slight physical impairment, I walk with forearm crutches, etc. But being new here, most will learn, I'm a stubborn cuss, and I hardly give up on anything. I'm sure I'll become a pest to those in the know, but I love to learn, I love a challenge and I never say I can't. That last one, get's me into real scary situations sometimes, but I've got one watching over me that I'll do my best to shine bright for. I just got this kit and I've put probably twelve hours in over two days. I've got a lot of goofed up scraps lying around, but I've had a blast. Take care brother, God Bless, Ray
  5. Pete, I'll give Kevin a shout as soon as I can, either tommorrow or Monday morning. Thanks man! Reaper, I'll view your thread ASAP! And I thank you for the tip on cutting. I've been practicing with the pattern that Tandy provides with their checkbook kit, as it was the first they had shown in their video that came with the kit. BearMan, I'll try the cereal box tommorrow. Believe it or not I have one of those LOL! And I may have some plexi left too. Thanks everyone! God Bless, Ray
  6. I have a few swivel knife questions; #1 How do I properly strp or sharpen the knife? Tandy video says take cardboard and the jewelers rouge, but how will I know when I've got it right? #2 How deeply do I cut with it? #3 Are there any practice tips, beginning videos you might recommend? God Bless, Ray
  7. The scraps I have are super thick, from someone who primarily stamps belts. I tried carving the "checkbook" pattern into a piece and boy does it look terrible. I'm not tracing with the stylus very well yet either. I'm keeping on truckin' though. I tried making a border with the veiner, and nothing is straight.. One side higher than the other, The whole tool higher or lower than the others. Not to mention half the impression deeper than the other. :-) I wonder if some sort of clamp from Home Depot might hold a tool better than I can? I downloaded Bob's tips on casing leather, but it may as well be in Chinese. I still dont understand "just right" as of yet. I'm sure I'm over wetting the leather and I'm probably not letting it dry enough before tooling. I haven't a clue, but I'm swinging at the ball. Thanks all! God Bless, Ray
  8. I've got a Pressure Treated 2X12 until I can get to a local granite supply for a cheap slab. Kit came with Poly Mallet. I think I just need lots of practice and detailed education on the basics. I'm reading as much as I can, and I'll give another go on some more scrap tommorrow. God Bless, Ray
  9. Thanks guys! Bryan, I'm having a time trying to "keep" a tool in the same spot between mallet strikes, or keeping it straight. But as I read, Apparently my leather wasn't wet enough. I barely wet the tooling side, and didn't wet the underside at all. And the scraps I was given to practice on are THICK! I'm guessing 1/4in. I whopped the snot outta this stuff and barely made impressions with everything but the seeder. I'm up for round 2 manana, after some more reading here. Thanks again all! God Bless, Ray
  10. Hey Folks , Got my kit in the mail today, and I've spent about about an hour practicing on some scrap I got from a leatherworking friend. First question I've got is how do I hold the tools level? I have Cerebral Palsy and this is proving somewhat a challenge. I used a veiner for instance and my impressions weren't even. Heavy on the left or right side. I tried a seeder and between mallet strikes I moved the tool and got two seeds slightly off. I need practice tips. Where are some good tips to try and start from 0? HELP! God Bless, Ray
  11. Thanks a lot Brian! I've got good use of both hands. It's my balance I struggle with. Gonna get my feet wet in 3-5 business days. God Bless, Ray
  12. Pulled the trigger today on Tandy's Deluxe Leathercraft Kit. Was able to get it for $58 shipped. I may be able to find a decent Alphabet set for what I have left. Well I'm off and running. Wish me luck. God Bless, Ray
  13. I'm a hobbyist musician so eventually I'd like to try my hand at guitar straps etc. I have a lot of friends who might buy from me IF I can pull off a decent product. Thanks all. :D God Bless, Ray
  14. Hey folks, I'm new here, and I have no clue where to begin. I have Cerebral Palsy and I'd like to learn leathercraft to earn a little money here and there for small things. I enjoy the idea of leathercraft as a possible business but I have 0 experience and 0 tools. If you were in my shoes, with $100 to spend to start, what would be your course of action? By the way I live 100 miles away from any Tandy to take any instruction, and being disabled I don't have a drivers license. OK LETS GO!!!! :D God Bless, Ray
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