I do some gun smithing for comp guns and CZ is the only one I shoot in IPSC and IDPA comp's. Seems that everyone that picks one of mine up and shoots it wants to buy it or have me build one for them. lol
The only thing I really see that I would question about the holster would be the mag release. You want to make sure you do not let it get closer than 1/8 th inch to the mag release. I found that out early on, when drawing my SP01 and lining it up on the first target in a run, I squeezed off the first round and the mag dropped out. I wasn't sure what caused it, just figured I had not seated it properly. So the second run it happened again, but this time I actually was paying attention to it. Later that night I checked and found that with the way I rock my wrist, the mag release would actually come in contact with the holster and hit the button just enough to almost release the mag all the way, the recoil of the first shot was enough to release it the rest of the way. I cut that are back a little and the.problem went away. Granted it is an extended mag release on the SP01, but I cut back the ones on my carry holsters for my 75b and compact holsters all the same.
No mag makes it a really crappy short club.. heh