Hi my name is B.J., I presently live in Mobile AL. I am an amature leatherworker. I was introduced to the craft in high school in NV by my rodeo coach who was a leather craftsman. He taught me about making my own chaps, saddle bags and mending my tack. I fell away after my father was transfered to MS until I was introduced to the SCA (known there as Malcolm). Since then I have been self teaching myself how to carve, make patterns, form, etc... but am starting to slow in my progress. So now I turn to other crafters of leather for advice and help. At present I am the only one in my area doing leather work so I am inundated with SCA projects, but in the future I would like to branch out to participate in more renn faires and rendezvous so I will take all the advice I can get. I also look forward to making freinds with folk who have the same love of leather work as I do.