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Billy H

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Everything posted by Billy H

  1. It’s a small world my friend- especially when it comes to saddles. To bad we live in different states or I would have you over for a cup of joe. We could compare notes. I really appreciate when folks post their work. Again your saddle looks great, would like to see it on one of your wifes horses. Billy
  2. Farrieremily, Not sure where you are exactly - but you might try Jon Watsabaugh. He was in Iowa a few years back. Really talented Saddle Tree maker and also a Master Saddle maker. Super easy guy to talk to. Regards Billy
  3. Rob, A few years back I went to a seminar put on by Keith Seidel on creating ( patterns ) for saddles. Super helpful! In a nutshell if he was starting from scratch for a new saddle - Keith would build his patterns like building a saddle - layer by layer with butcher paper ( tape or tack ). Skirts, Rigging, Rear jockeys, Seat jockey, Fenders....... Step back a ways from the saddle and see if all the lines are flowing the way you want. The first part of class was drawing the saddle on paper - gives you a starting point to go from. His class was more detailed than what I am trying to express, but that was what I brought home in my little brain. : ) Keith is quite talented! His saddles are taken to the highest level for sure. Hope that helps. Billy
  4. Rob , I'm a big fan of Flatplate rigging also. This saddle had fairly short skirts and I narrowed the Cheyenne roll to help its lines a bit. This saddle I think needed a shorter Cheyenne Roll with more angle This saddle had a very shallow skirt - so I used a Ring Rig to help the saddles lines a bit. The past few years Ring Rigging has fallen out of favor, but I like them a lot. Looking forward to your next saddle! Regards Billy
  5. Great looking saddle! I think we all have preferences in line , shapes , rigging , skirt size and ........ Your rigging looks good - most importantly is it's function! You mention your flat plate not having the lines you would like to see. But I see a well constructed rigging with very short skirts. That throws my eye off a bit and also a large Cheyenne roll with short skirts. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. I find it hard to balance shapes when using short skirts. Again great looking saddle Billy
  6. Good Job Horsemint! for a 1st saddle it looks very well done.
  7. Good looking saddle! Really like your Taps- well done.
  8. Really nice little saddle-- I have found that time in the saddle with a little heat and sweat tend to make that leather lay down over time. Great Job!! Billy
  9. Blue62, For your Second Saddle it looks great! One thing you might try (if you want seat jockey to lay flat against fender and skirt) . When you first start putting Seat Jockey in -- try and bring leather from sides into the center of your seat. Lay your leather in the saddle -- bring up some leather from sides and make a little hump in center of seat with this leather. Start compressing leather fibers in center until it starts to lay flat again. Repeat that process 3 maybe 4 times. By doing so--- the leather on sides of seat jockey will lay tighter against sides. Just a thought. Regards Billy That 10 yr Girl is pretty lucky
  10. The younger generation seem to like it-- they can change out the conchos. Cross, Scull/Cross bones, what ever they're into
  11. Josh-- maybe a little bit of both. Can't say that they do much except to keep from flopping around. This is a picture of one with same design I did a couple of years ago.(backside)
  12. New Breast Collar
  13. This Wade saddle came in at 32 lbs. I am pretty sure that most of it's life will be enjoyed on trails and cattle drives but would certainly rope just fine at a Branding.
  14. Ken and Ron, I think both of you bring up good points. Back in the 70's , 80s and even the 90's it seemed saddles where heavier. Saddle trees a lot of the time had double rawhide covering, 3 inch full double stirrup leathers were pretty much the only thing put into cowboy saddles. Skirts I thought were bigger and fenders I thought were bigger also. It may not jump out at you - but each one of those parts of the build start adding up to more weight. Skirt rigged saddle were not common place as they are today in my opinion, that also is a weight factor. Even doing fully covered leather stirrups or metal covered stirrups add weight to the saddle. Billy
  15. Thank you mudman
  16. Hi John,. This tree is a custom built one by "Jon Watsabaugh ". He uses some hi-tech mixter to cover the wood and it is strong yet can flex some. I have not talked to him for a while, but he sure does beautiful work. Billy
  17. Big Sioux -- I look forward to what you are able to create! I have a few conventional saddles projects to do before I tackle a new challenge that will hurt my head. Randy -- My theory is, what you create on the left side should balance to the right side if your tree is even on both sides. I always check the tree before I start putting leather on. When I put the Swell/Rigging on final I had 2 strings -- one at center Horn and one center Cantle Back plus laser and ruler to make sure it was square and true. Hey Josh ! It was a good Christmas, and will be trying my best to make 2018 better than 2017. Hope all is well with you and your family. Ron -- I see all sorts of possibilities, although in the last 1000 years I think that we will not be creating a new wheel. LOL Thanks to all , Billy
  18. Thought I would share my process in creating my pattern for this saddle.
  19. Big Sioux -- maybe in another 30 years I could come close to Cary Schwarz skills (maybe) LOL. The saddle is with W C leather. The picture shows my pattern on top piece -- bottom piece was identical, but I skived down to about 6 oz around the horn and what tucks into hand hold
  20. Hi Ron, Most folks don't notice. Yes the Swell cover and both the left and right side front rigging and back rigging are made from two pieces of leather top and bottom that were lamiinated , glued and sewed to make a one piece Flat Plate rigging. Thinking a little outside the box . Good learning experience. Thank you for looking . Billy
  21. Horsemint, Yes those Buck Rolls are Beaver Tail-- They were made by Master Saddle Maker Cary Schwarz! He makes a batch of them from time to time. They are first rate and hold up really well. Billy
  22. Cowboy colonel not sure what you cowboy off of, but this saddle has been working pretty well for me. 13.2 hands? I might be dragging my heels Thank you for looking Billy
  23. Good eye Big Souix -- Haflinger that actually has withers. He is my 4 leg Jeep in the mountains 15.2 hands.
  24. Coming up on 4 hard years riding this saddle I made for myself. Holding up very well Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Billy
  25. Bryce all in all you did good! Rigging position looks good to me, 3/4 position as best I can tell (seems to fit more horses backs). Something you might try is to double spike your rear jockeys. : Pull rear jockeys as close to Cantle Back as you are able. : spike or nail- offside saddle string -so that center of rear jockey is about a 1/2 inch offcenter to the offside. : take next spike on nearside saddle string and spike down until rear jockey is center on center of skirts, then pull spike toward your front rigging about a 45 degree angle. (nail or keep spike in). : next take a spike on rear jockey -- at your Seat Jockey Ear position -- spike up and forward that will suck your rear jockey down against the skirt then nail. : repeat on the offside. Hope that make sense. I was guilty of dowhill skirts for sometime until I placed saddle tree on pull down stand just like it would sit on a horses back (fitting skirts to the saddle tree). If needed buildup front of Pulldown so that it looks like horses Withers. Regards Billy
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