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Everything posted by stuarty66

  1. I make a lot of dog collars and harnesses which I sell in my shop selling pet supplies. I used to use rivets as they are cheep and quick to use(and people think they are strong).....but with the amount of untrained dogs out there I was fed up the rivets popping a lot of the time due the dogs pulling there owners every where. I now hand stitch everything and have never had any complaints since. I did change my thread though as we get a lot of rain here and now use only rot proof tiger thread. As for the leather it depends.....if the customer wants it decorated with stamps or carving then it HAS to be veg tan. Stuart.
  2. I`m an upholsterer by trade but have done a few jobs since.....van driver(2years), outdoor centre storeman(2years), shelf packer, BT engineer (13years), Territorial Army(10years) and for the past 5 1/2 years have been running a shop selling pet supplies where I sell some of my leather work (collars,harness and belts).
  3. Thanks. Glad you like it, my friend was delighted with his new toy.
  4. This was done for a friend who is ex military, designed to be worn on the right side but as you can see the blade is pointing forward, this was done at my friends request as this is how he wore and used his knife when in the forces.
  5. Hi all, I made a Dirk scabbard for a friend with Celtic carving on the front and his name on the back., we also make the dirks ( we buy in the blades and put the handles on ourselves). The knife sheath was for someone in the Royal Marines, the black one is for use when out on operations and the carved Celtic cross one is for more private use and to show off. Hope you enjoy them. Stuarty.
  6. Thanks for the reply doulglais. I will look at the Salad Bowl Finish. I did contact some companies in the UK regarding food grade epoxy resin but all of them would not guarantee its safety when used on a mug or with hot drinks. So I went for the wax instead as it is more traditional but as you said......a bit fragile. As I am new to reenactment I was not sure if the mug should have a good thick layer of wax inside the mud. I will be going to a reenactment show this sunday so hopefully will be able to ask some of the people attending and get some feed back from there. Thanks Stuarty.
  7. Hi, This is my first post. I started making leather collars for my own dogs 2 years ago and then I found this site and slowly got hooked on leather working. I have learned a lot form leatherworker.net and thought I would post some of my collars to let everyone see them and to say thanks to leatherworker.net So here are a few of my collars and hopefully alot more to come. Hope you like them. Any critique is very welcome......after all it is how we improve............that and a lot of practice. Thanks. Stuarty.
  8. Hi, I normally make dog collars bur recently someone has ask me to make leather mugs. After a bit or research I have made the mug (in the pictures the mug has not been waxed yet). The problem is the waxing. I have since waxed the mug and it did take several atempts as it being my first time. the problem is...how thick should the wax on the inside be, should it have a good thick layer of wax or just enough to waterproof it. Any help would be greatfully recieved. Also any critique on the mug would be welcom. Stuarty.
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