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Everything posted by groovytech

  1. After goin' to church with Mom,Missy,and my sisters...had a civil brunch.....back at the house we.smoked racks of ribs, had the pool heated for family fun, Bible Cover rocked Mom, IPad sleeve blew Missy away(there are 19 other Pads in her office....she may forgive me....), .........anyone need a ziplock bag with 244 holes? Let me know. I'll let 'em go-Mother's Day special- for $2.44 USD(Shipping and Handling charges of $24.40 for Lower 48 states-USPS)
  2. UPDATE How many leather holes does it take to fill The Albert Hall????????
  3. So, my wife calls a few minutes ago to tell me that she's on her way home. She asks "what'cha doin'?" to which I reply "Punchin' holes." "What kinda holes are you punching?" "Leather holes." "Really? whatcha workin' on?" (A sleeve for her IPad for Mother's Day) "Well, you know how you can buy Donut Holes at Krispy Kreme?" " Yeah?" "Well, a guy calls me today and orders 244 leather holes. He didn't say what he wanted 'em for and I didn't ask." "You're kidding!!" "Nope." "You're just punching out 244 holes??" "Yep." "To a pattern?" "Nope." "So you're just punching 244 holes in a piece of leather for this guy?" "Yeah Honey, and it's a rush job. He's supposed to be here in 30 minutes or so, I need to go." It takes her an hour to get home-usually. It's been 35 minutes and she just called to say that she's 10 minutes out, and "Did the guy pick up his holes yet?". I'm an A$$hole. But, Damn, That's funny!!!!!! UPDATE Services will be held Monday @ Bevis Creamatory- Crawfordville,FL "The widow said 'I made damn sure he saw Hell- Have some ashes to remember him by'."
  4. I'd check into shipping via Fed-X,UPS, or other carrier. Insurance and no hassles- other than cost. Worth the peace of mind.....
  5. John, check this site. http://www.bighousedaddy.com/, he has good patterns and he's very helpful. Good Luck!
  6. I hope you're gonna do some killer door and or dash panels for the interior!
  7. I have a horny male free-range peacock roosting 40' above my shop. Hard to stitch when he suddenly calls the two hens to join him. I wish he'd get laid & leave for at least a day or 30.......

    1. groovytech


      my thumbs are bleeding.

    2. EquusCustomLeathers


      Poor guy is just trying to get lucky! LOL

  8. SCORE!!!!!
  9. Stamp 'Tuit' on 'em, sell or give away as 'round tuits' . everyone needs to get 'around to it'..........
  10. You're looking for a 100+ watt iron. I'm sure someone 'Down Under' sells 'em. Good luck!
  11. I adopted the scorched earth policy to clear the brush. It may get away, but we'll see him coming after this. The Cat,and the Squirrels are in aggreement-for once..........
  12. And a belt!!!!
  13. I have to clear some of the brush out and I have no desire to get bit. they blend in with all the leaves perfectly, so they're hard to spot......
  14. I have a rattler that hit a squirrel within 20' of my shop. I can't let Tigger(my cat) come out to help me until I clear brush from around the shop. He's extremely vocal about his displeasure at not being able to assist me. My question is what oz weight is considered snakeproof? Inquiring minds wonder.............. also,my Wife............
  15. Go ahead and treat the dryness now, on all the leather on the chair. Neatsfoot is good.slow, light applications.
  16. Go to Tandy's site, check out the videos they have on there. The basics are there for free. If you have questions after that, This is the venue for them. Here you will be exposed to true artists in the craft who love to share. If there is not a TLF near you , Hobby Lobby, Michaels, even Ace Hardware has basic tools and project kits. Caution!!!! This can result in addiction! Welcome, and good luck!
  17. Looking forward to seeing it all!!!!!
  18. I would suggest a lighter density foam, the chair isn't gonna need the shock absorbtion that bike seats do. Are you gonna try to replicate floral design?
  19. Welcome! What part of Fl? I'm in Tallahassee.
  20. sounds like you are goin' with a good plan. The utiliy sink will make your life much simpler. Tip: most towns/cities have a Habitat for Humanity organization and most have thrift store that sells surplus & wreck-out stuff from their projects. Goes to a good cause and usually good deals. Heads up!
  21. Good work!!! If your singer doesn't like it , I'd be willing to bet he/she uses Autotune on his vocals. Good job on the Shure 55 mic. Here's a really old joke. How many Lead Singers does it take to change a light bulb? One- He/She holds the bulb and the world revolves around him/her. Thank You!!!! Good Night(insert city/st)!!!!!!!! I'll be here all week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, oops..We'll see ya tomorrow nite!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. For task lighting on my press and sewing machine, I use a 5W superbright white LED in a PAR16 can that is mounted to the machine. LEDs produce the brightness and focus needed and aren't affected by vibration from the machinery, i.e. no "filament flicker". Best move I ever made for machinery lighting. I even integrated LED lighting on my Dremel tool.
  23. I have 3 benches of varying heights. One for dyeing/finishing, one for tooling, and one for cutting. I have found that placing 4' dual lamp shop lights at 4' above the working suface, with daylight lamps, illuminates the working surface perfectly. I also have a 24" lamp under the shelf on my tooling bench facing forward so as to minimize shadows when tooling. An 18" over the dyeing bench serves the same purpose. I use daylight((5000`K) lamps to avoid the dreaded 'dull,dumb' lighting associated with 'drone cubicles' in offices. Hope this helps ya.
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