So, my wife calls a few minutes ago to tell me that she's on her way home. She asks "what'cha doin'?" to which I reply "Punchin' holes."
"What kinda holes are you punching?"
"Leather holes."
"Really? whatcha workin' on?"
(A sleeve for her IPad for Mother's Day)
"Well, you know how you can buy Donut Holes at Krispy Kreme?"
" Yeah?"
"Well, a guy calls me today and orders 244 leather holes. He didn't say what he wanted 'em for and I didn't ask."
"You're kidding!!"
"You're just punching out 244 holes??"
"To a pattern?"
"So you're just punching 244 holes in a piece of leather for this guy?"
"Yeah Honey, and it's a rush job. He's supposed to be here in 30 minutes or so, I need to go."
It takes her an hour to get home-usually.
It's been 35 minutes and she just called to say that she's 10 minutes out, and "Did the guy pick up his holes yet?".
I'm an A$$hole.
But, Damn, That's funny!!!!!!
Services will be held Monday @ Bevis Creamatory- Crawfordville,FL
"The widow said 'I made damn sure he saw Hell- Have some ashes to remember him by'."