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Everything posted by Fredo

  1. A Vet Marine medic wanted me to make a sheath to to replace the stock one. He asked me to add fire starter and field hone carriers. Here is what I came up with.
  2. 1st. That holster belt combo is very very nice. I still haven't had the chance (Guts) to use any exotics. That 1911 is a dream shooter. I LOVE IT. Since we are on the subject of evil people using banned products, did you fine folks know that you can still get legal Ivory? I haven't ordered any in a while but I get it from a custom cue stick parts dealer out of Las Vegas. A google search should get you going in the right direction. As soon as I replace my 1911 I plan to try my hand at making ivory grips. Added info: I still have the link in my favorites, get your Ivory here. http://www.cuecomponents.com/aboutus.html
  3. Nice work on the derringer holster, I'm guessing the client is left handed. I had one of those derringers, shot it once. When I was able to feel my fingers again I sold it, HA! Still it's better then a sharp stick when you need to keep the wolves at bay.
  4. It's been a while since I posted, just staying busy finishing up my 669 Chrysler and my 67 HD FLH. In the meantime I've been also making a few items for a selct group of friends. Over my 30 odd years of ridding bikes I've always disliked the straps that are found on most tool bag/rools. They always seemed to flap around in the wind and when I needed to get into my bag they were always falling in the way. Just using the straps meant streaching and some times tearing of the leather. So I'm now using a closure system of DOT military style cam clasps. There is a set of starps off of the back for securing to the tripples trees or frame tubes.
  5. I'm going through stamping and other hand tools I never use. I was wondering if anyone knows who makes this tool and if it is an older or modern tool? I have two with this mark on them. I ended up with 30 tools I will be putting everything on the market as a lot but want to be able to add any info I have in the descriptions.
  6. Thank you everyone for your input. While reading your suggestions I was able to visualize the improvements you all described. I will be treating this holster as a "Mule" and make changes until I get to a well thought out design. First up with be to retrofit the belt clips. I used what I had on hand so I'll replace these with leather straps/snaps. Pics to follow Thanks again
  7. I guess I'm what you would call a walking R&D lab. If I buy a gun, I use it to test out diff holsters before I offer them to others. Well here's my first attempt at using belt clips on a IWB. made for my new Ruger LC9 with low mount Lasermax sight. I see I could use a little more room in the grip area, maybe try a different style clip. I will be adding adjustment holes to move the clips up and down for cant / cross draw flexibility. Your thoughts and critique always welcome. Horse Butt Dyed with Tandy's Pro Water Stains Hand Stitched
  8. I use a combination of two systems for hand stitiching. Some pre punch all holes, some punch each hole as they stitch. I have a nice stitiching horse with jaws that are about 5 inches wide (or long) I set up my project in the horse and I pre punch with an awl for the length of the jaws. I stitch those and move my work, pre punch and stitich. I like that I can say that I hand saddle stitch.
  9. OK, is this machine still available, do you have pics that we have asked for. Are you still on here, why is the sky blue?
  10. katsass, I almost never reply to your post but I am inspiered by everyone of them to improve. This last holster is no exception, outstanding as always. With that said I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. The one thing I've learned from my short 56 yrs is listen to your body, it knows you better than anyone ever will.
  11. I keep real bad mistakes pinned to the wall above my work bench, A cinstant reminder of what I did wrong and how to not make the same mistake twice. The wall above my work bench is getting very very crowded
  12. Pictures, and where are you located please
  13. I use self sticking shelf liner. Seems to be the easiest to remove cleanly and you can do large pieces of leather
  14. You can get the correct size bezles for most US coins at Standard Rivet. I ordre a lot from them. Everythingthey sell is MADE in the USA if that helps you decide. Mom and Pop shop with high quality products at very decent prices.
  15. I made a set for my 1911. Leather covered in stingray. Not sure how well smooth leather would hold up during use and sweat, oil and other grimmy issues though.
  16. Here's the only one I ever made. If I were to do it again I'd make a few small changes. That is if I was doing one for a wheelgun vs semi auto.
  17. I use the auto hobby shop on the navy base I work on to work on my old truck. Tthey have a wood working shop there too. A few weeks ago I approch one of the regulars there and ask about having a horse made. I gave him a set of drawings from Stalmans book and he said give me a few weeks. So today I go down to change the oil in the 59 Apache and he comes out to the shop and sets this in the bed of the truck!!! He gave me the handle for the lock, so now I just need to seal the wood, add the strap and Locking mech. Hand made in AMERICA from Solid clear Polpar.
  18. Here's a brain fade story from last night. I needed to finish up a order for 5 tool bags (motorcycle type). I had all of the main panels and straps cut, dyed and hardwear installed. The only thing left was to form the end caps over the wooden buck I made and give them a good heat reat in my convection oven. Now I always treat at 115 degrees for about 15 minutes. However for whatever reason I was thinking about dinner at the same time and when I set the oven I guess I was thinking about roasted potatoes because I set that baby at 325 degrees. That's right boys and girls, I roasted those 10 end caps at a temp designed to cook food. I can't tell you how mad I was, until the wife started to giggle at how they looked like real thick potato chips with the brown areas and wavy edges.. We had a good laugh and then I called the client and apologised for the 24 hr delay. What are your brain fade stories...please don't tell me I'm the only one.
  19. Saddle stiching, this changes everything.

  20. Proud of the tooling I did on a custom sheath. Embarassed that I made the sheath backwards...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylvia


      :D Learning opportunities. I just learned not to cut 9-10oz leather with $100 dress makers shears. :( Tweaked them pretty badly.

    3. catskin


      Are you sure its backwards and not just left handed?

    4. Fredo


      HA!! you got me, it's now left handed.

  21. Since I'm always looking for less expensive alternitives I found myself at the local yadage store (Joanns fabrics). I recently tried something called "Quick TacK' (Spelling my be wrong) It's used to glue cloth together. I am having real good luck with this stuff on leather. Fairly cheap at around 4 bucks for a 8 oz bottle. I also buy my linen thread, brushes, small parts bins etc there. They usualy have a 50% off cupon on line. A great way to pay for high dollar items like a large self healling cutting matt.
  22. I just tried Standard Rivet for the first time, I can say I am HIGHLY satisfied!!
  23. I do almost all the time
  24. Eyeman: I was able to protect the weapon by using the inlay bezel/window to keep the edges of the stingray at bay. As to the grips I am protecting myself with the use of a sweat guard. I appreciate the positive feel of the grips when drawing the weapon for fire. I have worn this around the house/garage since I made it, as well at the range. It is very comfortable and functional.
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