I diffently need to learn to ride better, softer hands and staying in the saddle. Got dumped twice by my new 5 year old that I bought, 1st time was moving cattle and he became unbroke. I was out cold for atleast 5 mins, got up trying to walk found out that I had lost motion in my right foot LOL drove 1 hour to get home where I then went to hospital to find out that I had 2 bleeds in my brain. After a short stay in the hospital, 2 months of no riding due to doctors orders, sent horse to trainer for 30 days. Got horse back and same day as I picked him up from trainer I went riding and I'll be if he didn't dump me again. Atleast I only broke a finger this time off him and was able to get back on to finish my ride. Call a friend and made the trade for a 16 year old dead broke, slow moving ride that same day can now ride in comfort in the saddle. So I would diffently be more willing to try those reins now. I diffently love how they look, just wasn't sure how they would hold up. Thanks for the advice and info I might have to build me a pair.