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Shooter McGavin

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Everything posted by Shooter McGavin

  1. Both of those examples are mine I used to give the customer the option of which way they wanted it to go, but now I do them all with the free end facing down like so:
  2. first dyed brown, then black dye dabbed on with a very coarse textured sea sponge. Takes a little practice but looks really cool.
  3. The marbled color on the trim panels, or the actual topcoat?
  4. I lightly mold the ejection port most of the time, but I use a little chunk of leather to build out the port to prevent me from going too deep.
  5. I bought a 6 ton A-frame press from Harbor freight, a couple of pieces of 1" 40 duro gum rubber from Grainger, and a couple of 1/4" tool steel plates from a local metal supplier and made my own. Total investment around $150 and worth every penny.
  6. The Glock models from Rings are small as is. I use a couple layers of blue painters tape on the "slide" areas on mine to help them be the right thickness.
  7. The punch bevels them nicely, especially considering I punch the slots while the leather is damp. Ive never really "timed" a holster build, as Im usually doing them in batches of 10-14 holsters at a time. For molding, I use a 6 ton press with rubber plates, and then a few Tandy tools for the detail lines.
  8. I had a punch made to my specs. Bang it through with a mallet while the leather is a little wet. Then I use a #5 edger on the back side of the slots. I dont touch the front of the slots. Then the inside of the slots gets burnished at the same time the outside edges gets burnished, which is after wet molding.
  9. I really like how the dye job came out. Very nice!
  10. Here ya go. Pics are from a holster I was building at the time so its not in a finished condition, but you can get the idea.. I do them a little differently now as far as the hardware is concerned, but the construction of the thumb break is basically the same.
  11. That came out really nice cornbread! It takes a while to discover just the right window of opportunity to burnish the edges. When i started I always tried to do it when the leather was too wet. Then one time I forgot about a holster for a few hours and when i went back to it to burnish, the egdes polished up like glass, and it was one of those "so this is how its supposed to work" moments.
  12. Theres also thousands of people using that "stick it in the barrel "holster"" that someone is selling. Doesnt make it a good idea. Alas. we are all free to make our own decisions, even if they are bad ones. If you intend to sell these, I hope you have phenominal liability insurance. Also, Im not being a jerk. I am simply giving my thoughts and concerns on a holster you decided to show off to the world ( or at least the small percentage that frequent this forum ), and now youre just upset because Im not gushing over it.
  13. http://www.bluegunstore.com/SIGP23813/16SlideWidth.aspx
  14. Disagree all you'd like. I still think it's a horrible idea and nothing you can say will make me believe otherwise. I hope you dont shoot your ass off.
  15. I still have these.
  16. Exposed trigger and exposed muzzle are 2 big negatives for me. Stay safe!
  17. I've been using the "Little Wonder" from Weaver for a few years now. That would be my recommendation.
  18. I own both calibers so yes I know for cetain.
  19. Not everyone is blessed enough to have 2 hands and/or 2 arms.
  20. Nice trick with the elastic wrap. Nice work!
  21. The first set in post #20 is shark skin. The brown pebbeled stuff is a piece of hide I found at Tandy. Fairly thin and I think its chrome tanned, I just treated it like an exotic and overlayed it on to a piece of cow. I really like how it looks. Thanks!
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