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tg lucas

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Everything posted by tg lucas

  1. i have a production run that i am making 20 of a 11 x12" design. i need to have a custom craftaid made and have my art in vector format. Does anyone know of a source for this?
  2. i bought a case of those mosins once, if you can ever get the sights figured out they make a great deer rifle. great job on your carving
  3. that is cool, if they had scooters like that here there would be a lot more people riding them, ours all look like something girls would ride, no offense ladies.
  4. hey Ferg, for those of us who dont know, namely me, what is a beading blade? never heard that term before
  5. the ones i use are from the hospital i work at, just a little push down pump sprayer, i discovered them by accident noticing that they produced a very fine mist like my air brush. lays the finish on so that the ecoflow never gets touched by anything so that it doesnt muddy or lift the colors to another area
  6. omg mine does the exact same thing...and i thought she was a one of a kind lol
  7. hey thanks for sharing the pattern, that is what i love about this site, everyone has so much knowledge and loves to share.
  8. the ones i use are empty deodorizer spray bottles that spray or atomize the sealers into a very fine mist, works great with the water based stuff and clean up is a breeze
  9. i use a small fine mist spray bottle or my air brush to apply my finish coats, no streaking or muddy colors that way.
  10. hey thanks for sharing your trip with us, hmmm makes you wonder how many of the things we make today will still be around in some form or fashion a couple hundred years from now.
  11. i love it!!!! how did you sew the pages in? i would like to make one for myself with that many pages
  12. i like it, what does a custom stamp usually go for these days?
  13. congrats that is a nice clean looking rig and nice prize to boot
  14. what a great tip, is anybody compiling these great tips, what a great pinned post that would be!
  15. superb work!!!!!, now that will be an heirloom piece!
  16. Johanna, No doubt you have received the latest Siegel "Friday Special" email. I was shocked to say the least but I wanted to send this to you guys offline. I don't know if you are aware of my background but it is varied to say the least but what is relevant to this message is I currently work as a Cardiac Tech at a local ICU on the weekends to supplement my income between art gigs and leather work. I started out as a medical illustrator in the late 80's and have been doing cardiac monitoring pretty much ever since off and on. What this means is for twelve hours a day I study and interpret what a patient's heart is doing by means of EKG, hemodynamics, O2 saturation and various other readings all simultaneously to determine what a patient's status is in real time and to predict as much as possible what will happen in the near future. I am in means saying he is faking or has not been experiencing some cardiac issues but what I am saying is there are some odd circumstances to his email. First, he described in his own words as to overdosing a cardiac med most likely an alpha or beta blocker as they will lower the heart rate significantly and can cause damage to the heart from a lack of adequate oxygenation. But they are generally have a very short lived action even in geriatric patients but rarely affect the heart's pacing capabilities, as the heart has actually three main pacing sites internally. To damage all three to the degree that a external pacer has to be placed until a determination of a permanent pacer is needed is not common and to be honest, I never have seen a patient that is in that situation not be sedated to a level that they are barely conscious and rarely coherent enough to string sentences together, much less to issue an email about an upcoming sale. The stint that he refers to would indeed open the artery and allow more blood flow and of course oxygenation but unless this guy is just an extraordinary patient he would still be under the recovery of the procedure and the pain management medications that go along with being it has been less than 24 hours by his own account since he started having symptoms, sought treatment and underwent any procedure. Now I am not trying to be callous or doubting in his story but looking at the photo which is not clear by any means but seeing as how I look at EKG traces a lot, his bpm rate appears to be well over 70 and an external pacer is set to pace at minimally 40bpm and max 60bpm. Things just do not add up from my experience. Of course this just a snap shot, and two minutes later his bpm rate could have dropped dramatically. So while there are clearly some cardiac issues going on with this guy and I do not doubt that a bit as there is indeed a temp external pacer in his room and it is powered on, not sure if is connected, but several things do not add up from my experience. The only reason I am writing this is that I want to make sure you do not feel responsible or guilty in any way, this episode he is experiencing is obviously not a new occurrence or he would not have had the cardiac meds to overdose on in the first place. Moreover, it could explain the recent erratic behavior that he has been exhibiting of late. If your heart doesn't have enough oxygen then neither will the brain and often subtle strange behaviors occur such as paranoia, rash and unexplained angry outbursts and depression. These are something that his family and those close to him should have recognized awhile back. However, in light of the email I just received the skeptic in me is aroused. Name: Travous Lucas UserName: tg lucas IP Address: Email Address: travouslucas@me.com
  17. welcome aboard from Arkansas, and it looks like you are off to a great start.
  18. lifter, can you give us any tips on the air ride seat, that is how i would like to do mine
  19. Welcome aboard from Arkansas
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