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tg lucas

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Everything posted by tg lucas

  1. Duh, read the instructions. There are larger ones in the gallery but thanks for looking....and again Thanks Paul!!!!!
  2. Well it was suggested that I post this in something other than the Gallery. This was my first colored work as I have always worked in monotoned work in the past. It was inspired by Mr. Paul Burnett who really encouraged me to expand my leather experience. For those who dont know his work it is amazing. oops going to have to learn how to post images, lol
  3. Sent them to him today but he has been watching my progress from my facebook page. I posted those with only my phone cam so they were not of great quality. I have to say that I have a lot of "heroes" when it comes to leatherwork and there are a quite a few on this forum but Paul Burnett has been a true inspiration and teacher for me. If those reading this has not had opportunity to check him out, you should do so. btw Kate I absolutely love your chess table!!!!
  4. I have used the Tandy kits for patterns in the past, but altered them to be laced because I suck at sewing and they turned out pretty good.
  5. i have some questions. What is the image applied with? What is the dye/ink/paint? What is the type of leather that is used and are there any restrictions? What do you classify as "scratch proof"? Can the artwork be "one off" or would many images need to be produced to make it economically viable? Can you supply samples of it for consideration?
  6. tg lucas

    Gun Case

    that is really cool, and a great concept.
  7. i have gotten this problem all the time whenever i used rubber cement but i was able to remove it with a high grit sandpaper and then resmoothed the whole piece, doesnt work with tooled leather, end up using other means for it. the sand paper does seem to remove the burnish for me
  8. tg lucas

    Custom Deer Wallet

    my first attempt at adding color to my carvings
  9. From the album: Custom Deer Wallet

    © © leatherworker.net

  10. (in my best Elvis voice) why, umm, thank you, thank you very much.... and Ferg.... do you you piss off everyone? lol well I for one think you are great, you crusty old pot-stirrer!
  11. Oh wow, that is really unfortunate on so many levels. I really am conflicted on so many aspects of this post and others like it. First, it is a loss of advertising revenue for the website and I have personally come to see it as a real resource and hate to see it suffer in any way. I have chosen to become a subscriber to help continue it and help offset any loss in income and I hope others may see it as motivation to so as well. One of the reasons I view it a such a great resource is because of it's candor and honesty when it comes to all things leather, good and bad. The admin's do a great job of keeping things focused and I have even been edited when my focus of a post was a little off subject, funny but off focus. The website's main responsibilities are to the leather artists and craftsmen(persons) and not to suppliers. Suppliers that do not fulfill or meet their client/customers needs should expect negative feedback and this website should never been held as leverage against its members versus it's advertisers. To do so is to make this website an advertising/marketing outlet of the advertisers and limits it's ability to achieve it's primary mission, which is to serve the leathercrafters of the world with relative, honest and useful information. Again, it is my belief that good customer service is vital to any business. One lapse, one off day or attitude of this can wait until tomorrow can have very negative results. I am very sure that this company has had many years of very happy customers but it only takes a few poor customer service errors to destroy a company's image. As harsh as it may seem, "perception is reality" when it comes to a company's reputation. This all could have been made right by the owner getting on the phone to the client, sending a personal email, doing something positive and proactive instead of posting to the forum for all of us to see his customer service failure personally. I still am puzzled by the off subject paragraph in the middle of his response to the customer about his own supplier issues, it is not relevant. If anything it should have made him more closely appreciate what his own customer was going thru and more dedicated to her satisfaction. If you were up all night worrying about what was being said about your company, it is my belief you should have been trying to find a way to correct the problem and showing your potential customers how dedicated your are to their satisfaction and not their flippant dismissal. I would also certainly would not be holding the website at fault for publishing something you do not agree with and eliminating a potential source of sales for your company, that kind of knee-jerk reaction is called "biting the hand that feeds you"
  12. thanks guys, i usually only do mono-toned work but i started learning some of Paul Burnett's techniques and was inspired to do my first color piece.
  13. Tom, The more I look at it the more I love it! i was wondering if you would not mind sharing how you did the black on the painting? It almost looks like antique but reminds me more of a tattoo style. Any tips on how you did the black highlighting/under toning? Travous
  14. wow that stuff looks like it just came out of a "wayback" machine, excellent job!!
  15. very cool, what do they look like on someone
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