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Iron Pounder

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Status Replies posted by Iron Pounder

  1. When customers complain about the price of your tooled leather, remind them that nobody's paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for an old piece of canvas in a gallery. They're paying for the artwork that adorns it. We need to teach our customers to look past the utility of the item which happens to be used as the canvas and instead look at the artwork that adorns it.

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      Good luck with that. Trouble is so many leather workers give away very nice work that is makes the public think that cheap price is the right price.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. OK I just wasted 36 snap tops putting two snaps on two different items. I had a snap on one but snapped and unsnapped it so many times it came apart. However, this is going to hold keys so I don't want to cut corners. I'm wishing right now snaps had never been invented, LOL

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      No problem I had the same trouble so I know how frustrating it can be.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. OK I just wasted 36 snap tops putting two snaps on two different items. I had a snap on one but snapped and unsnapped it so many times it came apart. However, this is going to hold keys so I don't want to cut corners. I'm wishing right now snaps had never been invented, LOL

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder


      I think I bought mine on some promo deal for under 100. I use it for snaps and eyelets and have yet to have any issues.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. OK I just wasted 36 snap tops putting two snaps on two different items. I had a snap on one but snapped and unsnapped it so many times it came apart. However, this is going to hold keys so I don't want to cut corners. I'm wishing right now snaps had never been invented, LOL

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      You can pick up a cheap press to set them and never have trouble again.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. A new grandson! That's 3 boys and 4 girls!

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      Congrats!!! Any future leatherworkers in the bunch?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. I just got a Huge Order - Pretty much everything I can make in a month! WooHoo!

  7. Indian rain dancer needs to stop dancing....it is raining gallons per minute...make him STOP!!!

  8. Thoughts are on Colorado Fires.... and the poor souls who have lost their homes.

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      I hate it for the folks out there. That nematode that cuases all the pine wilt has cost us alot in trade for bring cheap junk from other countries over here. That is how that little critter got here they say.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. LeatherBurnishers.com is now the official home of Ed & Beary LaBarre's popular BearMauls leatherworking mauls! http://leatherburnishers.com/BearMauls.html

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      Ya that will help some but for example I sen a few emails and never heard a single thing back so I gave up. If I would have had a number to call I would have. Anyway to each his own if he stays busy then I wouldn't change a thing.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. LeatherBurnishers.com is now the official home of Ed & Beary LaBarre's popular BearMauls leatherworking mauls! http://leatherburnishers.com/BearMauls.html

    1. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      Nice looking site!! Only thing I would say is no phone number to call to place an order. I bet there are a ton of folks like me that won't order without a phone number to call.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just wanted to say that my dad, 67 years old passed away Wednesday. Please keep my family in your prayers as this is one of the hardest things I think I have ever had happen to me. He was my best friend and very instrumental in getting me started in leatherwork. RIP DAD I love you.

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