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Iron Pounder

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Everything posted by Iron Pounder

  1. I would like some thoughts on how you come to what is the right size swivel knife for you. I have a few, some adjustable for length, some thick some thin, different size blades and different shape blades. Whenever I tool something (which is almost never) I just use a bunch of bevelers. I have been told by some that is the wrong way to tool but to me there is no wrong way in art. having said that I do want to try and get more comfortable with the swivel knife. My problem as you may guess is not getting corners smooth. I have worked and worked and can't get them as smooth as just using a beveler. I thought with so many sizes of swivel knifes that maybe I am using something that doesn't fit well and don't know it. How do you know how tall the kife needs to be for you? How thick the body of the knife needs to be for you? How is your index finger sitting on top of the knife when cutting and where are the rest of your fingers? I'm trying to push myself this year to do things outside of my comfort zone for practice at least 2 hours per day, that's the goal anyway...
  2. How about stuff that will get wet at some point? Saddle Bags, fork bag, seats and things like that. It seems like some are trying super hard to get this eco stuff to work almost as good as what we are already using. I wouldn't mind using it as long as it was a better product. Shwos what I know, the little bit I've used eco I always wet the leather down first, I didn't know most put it on dry. This has only been the standard eco not the pro line, maybe the pro line is a lot better I don't know.
  3. Seems the years roll by faster and faster anymore. Wanted to say thank you to all that have helped me along when I needed it. Tons of great info here and some great folks as well. I'm looking forward to getting our move done soon so I can get back to work.
  4. Ya it seems to me it should mellow it a bit.
  5. Two thumbs up on this cheap little gun!! We use them all the time to lay down a base to airbrush over. They are I think 7 bucks with my HF card this month. The only thing I will say neg about the gun is I do wish the handle was reverse but for the price you can't beat it.
  6. Ok this is going to be over the top. How will it affect the sound?
  7. Welcome to the forum. I think you are off to a great start.
  8. I tell guys just starting out with an airbrush that Badger makes good stuff for a great price. I really like my sotar for fine work but don't use it much since I got my dagar. For airbrush work on leather I would get a anthem, you can use it for other stuff as well. Once you get some time with it you will be pulling some very nice lines with it.
  9. Hey I want one!! Very well made and should outlast you.
  10. Very nice! I did a few this Valentines day and can see doing a ton more next year. It seems once someone gets one in an office all the ladies want one .
  11. Killer work! The balck really makes it pop.
  12. That stamp has great detail. I only have one from Tandy and it is junk.
  13. Very nice work! Chancey what challenge?
  14. Very nice Kevin! Grandma taught me that binding for the edges, she does it the same way. She didn't remember what it is called (she's almost 97yrs young,ha) does anyone know what this type of binding is called? I need to make a foot like you have, it is hard for me to see what is going on with the foot I have on it now. Kevin, how do you lay out the stitch lines? I have tried a few different ways (pounce wheel and bag, stabilo pen, painters tape with design hand drawn and on and on) but there has to be a better way.
  15. That is going to look hot!!
  16. Can you upload some pictures off how you are trying to do the seat?
  17. My OCD is my biggest problem as well. When you look at the picture a ways back it is super cool and shows I get too nuts over the detail work but I can't help it.
  18. 3am and your callin' it? Alright cya part timer
  19. I think I still have a bottle left so I may try it again. I want to say I mixed it 50/50 but don't remember for sure. I think most would only use Montana pitch blend once they tried it. No I don't have any stock in the company I just have had super good luck with it working right out of the jar and have bought soo many products for leather that are junk so this one stands out.
  20. Sweet, I will get some videos up of some of my stuff.
  21. Yep the eye will tell you a ton if you let it. I did some fence panels yesterday that has one rod out an 1/8" and I can see it 10' away. matter of fact I'm going down to fix it right now:wavey: .
  22. Jinx the Cat is or at least was a cartoon.
  23. I'm probably just doing something wrong but I never get anything but a finish that shines like it is plastic. Then with much flexing it wants to crack into tiny spider webs. I use Montana pitch blend and it leaves the leather looking like leather instead of looking like a plastic toy, it doesn't crack, has a pine smell like most everyone seems to be ok with. Like I said though I probably just haven't been doing something right with it as I'm self taught and just learn from trial and error. I've tried airbrushing it on very thin and that does reduce it's cracking with very thin application but still get a plastic look.
  24. How do you post a video, just type the link and it just embeds through the posting software?
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