When using my boss the thread seems to from time to time, twist. The twist itself will run up along the machine, while it doesn't appear to affect the product it does bother me as I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Has/does this happen to others? and if so how did you correct it? I've also had troubles with needle or thread skip, not sure of the proper term, was happening about every other stitch so I adjusted the needle scarf and that helped. My biggest issue now is making sure the stitch depth is set accurately turning that knob just doesn't seem to do anything.
Sorry this post is part question and part rant, guess its that love hate relationship with the Boss. I will admit I wasn't hand sewing long before I bought this machine second hand from a guy in Oregon, I followed the instructions, best I could anyway during the set and like others here find myself adjusting and fine tuning each time I use it....guess thats actually a good thing.
Any tips or advice would be appreciated.