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Everything posted by uscglechief

  1. Sorry to read this, I’ve always enjoyed your work/advice jess
  2. outstanding!!
  3. very nice!
  4. Bob do you think the Tan Kote would be a good option for the flesh side of a rifle sling? I dipped 2 slings and then thought that I just messed up given the flesh side may bleed. Jess
  5. Hello i usually use the same size chisel as my lace, 1/8” chisel for 1/8” lace. That said I like using the smallest hole/slit I can for my lace work. I bevel both sides on the flesh side of the lace and saddle soap the lace well before I start lacing. Hipe this helps. jess
  6. its a stretch but do you still have the book? Jess
  7. Is the press still available?? Jess
  8. I have made several sheaths and holsters out of my vingaroon, but am always left with a VERY strong smell afterwards. I have tried the baking soda baths but they don't really seem to help about the only thing that does help seems to be time, oil and top coats. Question: do most on here paint or otherwise apply the vingagroon to their project? I have been submerging the project and allowing it to soak, which maybe part or all of my problem. As always feedback/advice is appreciated. Jesse
  9. dang need to order, well i guess mahogany and red so i have both. Many thanks, i checked out your site...nice work!
  10. A co-worker of mine asked if I could repair his leather bag, I agreed but cautioned him that the color of my repair would most likely not match. He is okay with, what I'm sure will be a mis-match. I am looking for some help in determining the color and best way to apply...tan's seem to give me trouble and was thinking of spraying verse sponge or shearling. I've attached a photo of the bag below. Any advice/help is always appreciated! Jesse Sorry for second post, I was thinking British Tan but not so sure now. Jess
  11. Finished another sheath....starting a rifle cartridge belt

  12. Thank you both!! That is exactly what I was looking for, guess i shoud have searched sudsy or everclear
  13. When using my boss the thread seems to from time to time, twist. The twist itself will run up along the machine, while it doesn't appear to affect the product it does bother me as I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Has/does this happen to others? and if so how did you correct it? I've also had troubles with needle or thread skip, not sure of the proper term, was happening about every other stitch so I adjusted the needle scarf and that helped. My biggest issue now is making sure the stitch depth is set accurately turning that knob just doesn't seem to do anything. Sorry this post is part question and part rant, guess its that love hate relationship with the Boss. I will admit I wasn't hand sewing long before I bought this machine second hand from a guy in Oregon, I followed the instructions, best I could anyway during the set and like others here find myself adjusting and fine tuning each time I use it....guess thats actually a good thing. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
  14. Hello, I originally posted this to "how do I do that?" and thinking this maybe a better forum. Greetings everyone, I know I've seen this before but can't seem to find the string, please forgive for starting it again. But I've been told you can make your own deglazer by mixing ammonia, alcohol and water. Does this work well to remove glue and dirt act? and are the parts equal? One additional question, I am making a attaché or I guess a better description would be a large shoulder bag with brass D-rings and buckles and I have used large copper rivets for reinforcement where the shoulder strap will attach. My question is if I decide to go with a natural color, what if anything can I use to give it that "older than it is look?" Hi-liter? Have been bouncing back and forth between the natural look and several coats of Fiebings Chocolate dye. As always any advice is greatly appreciated. Jesse
  15. Yeah I feel your pain, in Maryland and Pennsylvania here, kinda hard to find someone local. Jess
  16. Greetings everyone, I know I've seen this before but can't seem to find the string, please forgive for starting it again. But I've been told you can make your own deglazer by mixing ammonia, alcohol and water. Does this work well to remove glue and dirt act? and are the parts equal? One additional question, I am making a attaché or I guess a better description would be a large shoulder bag with brass D-rings and buckles and I have used large copper rivets for reinforcement where the shoulder strap will attach. My question is if I decide to go with a natural color, what if anything can I use to give it that "older than it is look?" Hi-liter? Have been bouncing back and forth between the natural look and several coats of Fiebings Chocolate dye. As always any advice is greatly appreciated. Jesse
  17. Very nice, working on one my self but ran into a snag with cutting the metal teeth.
  18. Very nice! Want to do something similar.
  19. Hey Thanks to all, and sorry for posting a question already answered, King you were correct found some useful info on the search. Jess
  20. I'm sorry yeah a makers stamp. Thanks I'll check them out.
  21. Greetings, I'm looking for a place that can make me a custom stamp for me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Jess
  22. I was afraid of that...thanks jess
  23. Do you have a tippmann for sale? Jess
  24. Thanks will keep an eye open for it. Jess
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