This is my first completed Sheridan style carving project and my first leather book. I think I should have chosen a simpler design to start with but I liked the horse design in one of the pattern packs I purchased from Chan Geer. If you ever had one of those days where one error led to another this is mine, I sat down to put the book together sanded the inside where the pad holder and document holder were to go, set it aside and put glue on the backside of each item, set them aside and grabbed the book its self put the glue on the places where I had sanded the finish off, waited awhile and placed the peaces together. I rubbed the edges and center down with my bone folder real good to make sure they were glued well, pated my self on the back for doing a good job turned the book over to place a weight on it to keep it compressed while the glue dried and realized I had glued the inside pieces upside down. I was able to pull the pieces apart add a layer of pig skin over the part I sanded and then reassemble the book.
It's still a work in progress sorry for the poor pictures I had to use my cell phone.
Thanks Doug