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Everything posted by cleveland

  1. I'd like to get a splitter and I have found an American and a Landis. I see tons of great reviews on the Landis but not a lot about the American. Is one better then the other? If so why? Thanks!
  2. Didn't feel bad at all, in fact just the opposite. It reinforced my opinion of this community. I paid the $100 to be a lifetime contributor after only a few days on the forum because of people like you. I am amazed at the level of fellowship and willingness to share knowledge amongst the leather worker community. I really do appreciate the info. Thanks again!
  3. LOL! If I would have just searched their site instead of this one. :-) Thanks a bunch!
  4. I just got my first order of Natural Carving leather from Wickett & Craig! I can't believe how great this stuff looks compaired to the Tandy Leather veg tan I had been getting locally. With my order Glen sent me a ring of samples but I do not know what the difference between the types of leather are. I tried to search the forum but I am searching for such general words that it was no help. So what's the difference? Besides color. Thanks!
  5. Very nice! I would also be interested in plans if they are available.
  6. Can you shoot me a pic? bobby@clevelandsholsters.com
  7. Just sent Cobra Steve a check! I will be waiting with the anticipation of a kid waiting for Santa. :-)
  8. I have 4 Ring's Blueguns that are new and were never used. 1-Sig Mosquito 1-S&W M&P 40 2-S&W Model 60 3" $25 each plus shipping or trade for other dummy guns, hand tools, or ... ? Thanks!
  9. Will do, Thanks! Thanks! I was thinking of buying them as needed, but I was afraid I would end up spending a lot more this way. Glad to hear it! Thanks for the leads too!
  10. I recently picked up a set of hand tools on ebay and they turned out to be garbage. It's my fault that I did not do more investigating before I bid, but thankfully the seller is accepting the return. http://www.ebay.com/itm/320823247435?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 I'd like to avoid future issues and would like some advice. I am looking for a set of QUALITY tools. I believe they will serve as an investment rather then an expense and I would like to maximize the returns on this investment. So what should I be looking for? A particular brand or period on time the tool was made? Am I better off piecing together a set or buying a complete set? Thanks!
  11. It's one thing to use parts of a design or improve a design, it's a whole other thing to copy the exact design without asking. You could always buy one from him and then post negative feedback. Maybe we could buy one every couple months and post negative feedback? On a related note, I'd like another one from you. Is you production back up and running?
  12. I also have one from Chris. Top notch work! I am considering buying an extra just in case he stops making them. :-)
  13. I just pulled the trigger on a Ferdco Pro 2000 and I am guessing it's a bit more complicated then my Singer 301. So I am wondering if there are videos floating around that would show me the ropes? Of course free is best but I would buy dvd's if that's where I will find the best info. Any direction would be put to good use. Thanks!
  14. I actually get requests like this all the time. My standard reply is: "If I comp you a holster, your review would be a paid review. I would prefer to keep my reviews non-paid at this time."
  15. I just closed a deal with Steve for a Ferco Pro 2000, looks like it will be a much longer term investment the the Boss. I spent more then I wanted to, but it wasn't really that much more then a full priced Boss. He let me put half down and pay him the other half in 30 days from now which made it doable. He is clearly the down to earth informative guy everyone says he is. Thanks for all the input! BTW, any good online instructional videos for the 441?
  16. Thanks! Being an old school single stage reloader (powder drop), I can appreciate the dangers of short stroking. I think the Boss may be a good investment and perhaps I will keep it around for the kids when I move up. Someone send me a lead on a Tippman Aerostitc. Can you offer any insight on these? Thanks again!
  17. It should have read "find a used Juki 441 or rather a 441 clone" and I was referring to used machines. Sorry about the typo. Most of the info I got about the Juki 441 clones was from you back in July through PM's. Thanks again for all the input!
  18. Really?! That is encouraging to hear. I don't want to squeeze too hard when I stroke your ego here, but YOUR work is what got me interested in making my own holsters. I stumbled upon you video on youtube and I was hooked! I currently make hybrid holsters and they are doing very well, but would like to make belts to go with them and expand the holsters to pancake style holsters too. Thanks for input!
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