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Mike Craw

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Posts posted by Mike Craw

  1. Le'ssee, first thing first. Yes, they both moved out on their own, without threats. All we had to do was buy each of them a wedding and reception and then they come back and eat once a month rather than every night! Johanna, just make sure you don't make things too good for them to leave :evillaugh:

    As to what kind of browser...look who you're asking! I've got that "E" with a circle around it like a halo internet explorer. Is that what you mean?


  2. OK, I don't know a server from a cashe from a rock. Unfortunately, my kids have gotten married and moved out (OK, maybe there's an up-side) but there's nobody here to explain it to me.

    I just deleted LW.net from my favorites, Googled it, got on the Forum, and then re-loaded it in my Favorites. When I logged back in, the Forbidden didn't come up, so I guess the problem's fixed. Thanks for your patience in trying to explain it to me!!


  3. Good Morning,

    For the past several weeks, whenever I sign in, I get a big headding "Forbidden" followed with some stuff about a "404Error". I have this page on my "Favorites" list, so that when I click on it, the Forum page comes up rather than the Main Page. The page comes up fine, and I click on Log-In and that comes up fine. When I log-in, I sometimes get a real quick "You are Logged In" and then the "Forbidden" or sometimes it just goes to the "Forbidden." When I go back over to favorites and click on my LW.net, this forum comes up with me signed in. That's OK when I'm signing in on my own computer, but I can't sign in anywhere else...

    Does anyone else have this problem?


  4. Hey Guys!

    A gentleman brought in an inskirt rigged saddle today for rigging repair, new wool, and general restoration. He had told Carlos over the phone that it was a "Hamley" saddle, so we were both really looking forward to seeing it. When it arrived, it had this maker's mark on the latigo carrier. Is anyone familliar with this maker? If so, could you share some information about this company we could tell the owner about? Thanks!


    P.S. This photo looked a hell of a lot better in the viewfinder of my camera in a dimly lit shop than it does on my (and probably your) computer!! Sorry...



  5. Hey davnasca!

    In my opinion, Jeremiah Watt makes tools that are as good as or better than most on the market. He started making tools because he was dissatisfied with what he could find commercially so he got some of the old-time stuff and studied what made it great. I'd say that if you're sure this is something you are going to do for however many years you have left, his tools will probably last at least that long. They are on par with King, Hackbarth, and beard. That said, they're not priced for hobby stampers.


  6. OK, I'm going to try to explain what I mean one more time. I re-read my last two, and it's no wonder it's not working...I didn't even understand it. I looks to me that the corner was made by drawing the arc with a radius slightly larger than the center point is from the edges. In other words, lets just say they chose a 4" radius, but the center point was an equal 3 1/2" from each edge. The arc would shoot by the straight edges rather than blend in with the straight edges as it would if the center point was 4" from each edge. So far?

    Now those two non-blending intersections were blended with an arc from a 2" circle, or something like that. :dunno:

    Well, that's my guess.


  7. No, I just mean that the curve of the arc gets tighter as it approaches the straight side, not that different radii were drawn from the same point. It's like they drew that curve the way Carlos and I would have in the shop, by tracing the bottom of a large can in the corner and then a smaller can near the intersection with the straight edge, and filling in between them with a French Curve template. Does that make any more sense?


  8. Hey Ed!

    It may just be an optical illusion on my screen, but it appears that there is a changing radius from the center of the arc getting tighter as it reaches the edge. By that I mean, if you started in the center of the arc and went either to the side edge or the bottom edge, it starts out at about a 4" radius and tightens to about a 2" radius. Does that make any sense?


  9. I agree with rdb, this was a great idea! As I told Artisan in an email, I couldn't tell some of the small parts in the line drawing in the manual, and watching Carlos and me trying to figure out what we were doing would have made a good TV show! Two border-line senile 60-somethings trying to play "Stump-the-Chump" with something with that many moving parts would have attracted a huge audience (OK, with the language, maybe on HBO). They need a lot more close-ups, but SEEING somebody, who know what he's doing, makes it a lot more clear!!


  10. Hey rdb!

    I understood everything you said right up to:

    If you want to download it, use Firefox, and add the 'FlashGot' extension. One click downloads of media at your fingertip. I use Irfanview, and VLC to watch. Although .flv is a good lossless compression method, I find it impossible to scroll through the movies to get to various points. Converting it to .avi, or mp3/4 might make it easier to do this.



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