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Mike Craw

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Posts posted by Mike Craw

  1. Hey Tank!

    Not a hit. but a couple of suggestions. You might want to consider bringing your decorative stamping up around the top of the holster for a more finished look. I would also suggest that the straps around the holster go the other direction, with the end of the billets going through the buckles and laying down against the pouch. I think that might keep them from catching on anything. Other than that, I agree with the other comments, looks good, and welcome to the site.


  2. The last word I got was "pre-hack" when we were getting up a raffle for one of his wallets. Anyone who wanted to kick in $10-$20 for a chance on a custom KK wallet could send a PayPal message to hdwiseguy@cableone.net. I assume that is his email address. The only thing I can suggest is that you try him at that address.


  3. Just finished these three today for my nephews. One sister's two boys, Nate and Henry, play guitar. The other sister's son, Chris, plays banjo. I made them as similar as I could so that nobody got one that was "better" than the other two. If you've raised more than one kid, you know!



  4. Hey Denise!

    I don't ever holler at Johanna, loud or soft. I can only rely on quite and reverent supplication! As bad as I am with computers, I a.) ALWAYS assume it's something I've done wrong, and b.) know that Johanna is my only hope of getting an explanation and solution!! Thanks so much for the heads-up about the box. I just figgured that stuff I sent would go to the "Sent" folder. I just never looked there before, so I didn't know it wasn't going there. Like I said, I should stick to the note wrapped around a rock.


    P.S. Great looking dog!

    At the bottom of the screen where you type in your messages there is a box you need to click which says "Add a copy to my Sent Messages" or something like that. If you don't click the box, it doesn't get put into Sent Messages automatically. If you have been clicking the box and it still isn't there, then turn toward Ohio and hollar "Johanna!!" real loud...

  5. Hey Holly!

    I tried to send you a message, but it put me into the "My Controls" page, and I couldn't find anything in my "Sent Messages" tab, so I don't know if you got it or not! Ain't technology great??? Let me know how to send you the money through PayPal for the books. I hope you have better luck than I did. I'd do better with a note tied around a rock!


  6. A lady brought two fairly old saddles to the shop and told Carlos that she wanted one seat re-done in lime green and the other in pink. She said that when her daughter goes to horse shows, other kids borrow her saddles and she has trouble finding them after the competition. She picked up the green one before I could get a photo of it, but the leather in the background is what that was covered in. Give her credit...she won't have any trouble finding them now!!




  7. To follow on to Luke's comment, Carlos and I got a couple of small cans of Barge at Tandy's, and after using it for a while, we thought it was defective. It was a sort of clear yellowish color, and I didn't think it held worth a :censored2:

    We stopped into Tandy in Jacksonville and asked Annette what the deal was with Barge. She didn't know what we were talking about, so we got a new small can off the shelf and opened it. Same thin, almost clear yellow color. Just for giggles we got one of the gallon cans down and looked in there. Now THAT was the Barge we knew and loved. I don't know if OSHA or Greenpeace or somebody made them change the formula or what, but this new stuff isn't worth the powder to blow it straight up!!

    Oh, and we bought a couple of gallon cans of the good stuff.


  8. They are commonly called "bouncers" and they are made from glass or porcelain door knobs. or turned from very hard, tight-grained wood like lignum vaite. They are used most often once a flat piece of skirting leather has been cased over night and is being forced down into position to form a seat. When it is pulled down on the sides over the ground seat behind the hand-hold area, it naturally does not want to bend and stretch the opposite way over the back of the cantle and down into the dish of the cantle. The bouncer is used to form the leather down into the dish. There is usually a bubble of leather right over the dish on the cantle, and if you work it properly with the bouncer, the leather can actually be forced to come together in the middle and the bubble disapears. The bouncer has to be absolutely smooth, because the cased leather will accept and hold (forever) any marks placed on it by a scarred-up bouncer.

    That said, it seems like anybody who is talented enough to make a saddle ought to be talented enough to attach a door knob to a stick, so the price does seem a tad high...

  9. For me, this is a perfect example of why we should document our work and work spaces. Right now it's just the "stuff" we see and do every day, but for future generations it will be priceless material. Steve, it must be great to have those wonderful photos of your great-Grandfather's saddles and shop.


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