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About ChrisHodge87

  • Birthday 04/20/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Whittier CA

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None Yet
  • Interested in learning about
    Armor making and fantasy creations
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Im trying to figure out the math for widths of plaits. I have a 7/8" Diameter tube that I would like to braid. I would ideally like to have strand widths between a quarter and half inch. Is there a calculation that can be used to figure out my options?
  2. I have a friend with very particular wants that is looking for 2oz to 4oz alum tanned leather for his whip making. Scouring google I have been able to find 4oz to 6oz but that is to thick for his needs. Any ideas where in the world this can be obtained? Thanks!
  3. Im looking for a source for colored hides to make strapping and belts. Solid vibrant colors like green, blue, yellow, red etc. Anyone know of any websites that produce/sell these kinds of hides?
  4. I can haz entry?
  5. Im looking for a source for colored hides to make strapping and belts. Solid vibrant colors like green, blue, yellow, red etc. Anyone know of any websites that produce/sell these kinds of hides?
  6. Im looking to start making drinking skins as well. Someone mentioned that I might be able go to the 99cent store and clean them out of their candles and use that to seal the skins. What are the differences in waxes and what can be used for an item that needs to be food safe?
  7. Im creating a suit of Lamellar armor and want to use glue to harden the leather instead of wax or water but I cant find a recipe or tutorial anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  8. I was wondering if there was anyone out there willing to share their knowledge with me in the subject of making different styles of leather armor. Techniques, tools, methods, tricks. Also (this is going to sound corny) kinda looking to make some friends too. When ever Im toiling away on my project I think to myself that there are so many amazing artists out there with hundreds of stories. Triumphs, failures, revelations... nestalgia all around. Thousands of years of knowledge passing hands from master to apprentice. It pulls at my heart strings. Im looking for someone or some people to become friends with. Hop on skype and share some stories and help with the odd question or maybe be that missing link in a puzzle im having trouble with. Anyone interested?
  9. I was wondering if there was anyone out there willing to share their knowledge with me in the subject of making different styles of leather armor. Techniques, tools, methods, tricks. Also (this is going to sound corny) kinda looking to make some friends too. When ever Im toiling away on my project I think to myself that there are so many amazing artists out there with hundreds of stories. Triumphs, failures, revelations... nestalgia all around. Thousands of years of knowledge passing hands from master to apprentice. It pulls at my heart strings. Im looking for someone or some people to become friends with. Hop on skype and share some stories and help with the odd question or r be that missing link in a puzzle im having trouble with. Anyone interested?
  10. Can you cut the oil die with other oil?
  11. I just started leather working and tried to do some dying. The color is much darker than it was supposed to be. Is there any way I can make Fiebings oil die and lighter of a shade?
  12. Could I get an add to this section as well?
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