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Everything posted by sandyt

  1. Next week I go there myself. Need some stuff for my pfaff 335. I will ask for you. I need the type of v-belt you are using. What are the exact sizes, width and depth/height. Is your axis 15mm? What size of pulley are you looking for? Sandy.
  2. Yes it is exaclty the same handwheel. You Could easily modify your's I guess. I use these pulley's. You can buy those in any size. The little round thing in the middle (taperlock system) is matched to fit the axis and the pulley. If I would want to fix the pulley on a different machine I only have to buy a matching taperlock. It's a loose component of the pulley. Sandy.
  3. Now I'm feeling a little silly. I could have figure that out myself. I just pulled the motor plug and thought, it does't run so this option doesn't work. Ofcoarse it doen't work, there's no power anymore. Stupid, stupid...... So I gave it another try like you suggested. I put the motor on 10 Hz but the sewing speed on the first and second 'efka step' didn't go down. I only lost the last 3 (high speed) steps. That's a good thing but that wasn't really my goal. Needle positioner works just fine though. It's just on the machine's pulley where they are always located? You did a great job with that speedreducer. Very little space indeed!! I guess I will go for that option in the future. That should reduce the speed enough for me. All efka's (I have seen and owned) have three phase motors. You can make those motors run on 1 phase with a capacitor. Steinmetz. Efka does the same when they deliver a 1 phase system. It's on the inside of the lid from the cable connector box how to re-wire it.The control boxes and clutch/brake are always 1 fase as far as I know. Only motors are three Phase. I am talking about older models. Don't know anything about the new ones. Sandy.
  4. The groove is 10mm wide. The depth is 7mm. The wheel still looks strong enough. I only now realize that the grooves on that Adler 4 ftatbed are for round belts and all the grooves on the Adler 5 are all for v-belts. All of my upholstery machines have those very big pulley's. I buy them at ATD. They are fixed with the taperlock system. Works very easy. No need for drilling or whatever. costs about 50 euro's. Without the matching v-belt. I only bought that Frobana because I like that machines mechanism and it was pretty cheap wil new thread. I payed 50 euro's. The thread alone is 22 euro's overhere without shipping costs. You could use those machines for dress belts and pouches and stuff. Just as a lot of people use the the junkers and pederson's for. Only these needles are cheaper and easier to come by overhere. An Adler 20 with 40mm lift sounds great. Don't realy need it but I would sure like to play with one sometime! Maybe the band hired Toledo Bob to replace the rusty zipper!! Sandy.
  5. I wonder how you did use the converter with the efka? I was planning to do that but when I pull the socket for the motor the efka doesn't work anymore? Efka stopmotors are realy good but I would like to slow the motor down with a frequency converter. I already put the smallest pulley on the motor I could find. Didn't do anything yet with the machine pulley. I have a few Italian colleaguess. I will ask them. You never know. I will definitly let you now if I find something. Sandy.
  6. I buy them at a local shop. As I am not familiar with the measurements and types and such, I just go there and take the pulleys and v-belts with me so I can explain what I am planning to do. It's called ATD. Just a type of store Oldtimer just mentioned. Drive technology store??? In dutch it's called aandrijftechniek. You can buy al kinds and sizes pulley's and v-belts and belts overthere. Sandy.
  7. Yes Trox, I did it myself with just a lighter. Just hold the two ends next to each other and heat them at the same time. Don't let it burn and get black! Then push the ends together on a flat surface so you don't move the ends all the time with your hands. My hands aren't that steady. After a minute or so I put it in cold water to make absolutely sure it is cooled down al through. If you did it right you can pull as hard as you can but it won't break at the weld. I guess you just have to practice a few times. I did. There is a special tool for it. The mechanic at work showed it to me. Nothing fancy. Just a clamp to hold and push the ends together. And the heating was done with a soldering iron. Instead of a point there was a little metal plate. That's it. You could cut the exsesive material but it doesn't bother me so I just leave it. Sandy.
  8. Hi you all, I'm having a hard time finding a website in Europe with some info and prices about servo motors. They are sold overhere but the cheapest one I found is 250 euro's. With shipping I have to pay 300 euro's. That's way to expensive for me. Are there cheaper ones? I e-mailed some sellers but they give very little information about them so I am still not certain what I am buying?? Any help would be apreciated. Sandy.
  9. Jeans also have chainstitches don't they? Is that the same stich? Or are there different types of chainstiches? Sandy.
  10. That setup sure is more complicated and more expensive. But it drives an Adler 5. That handwheel is the original handwheel of the Adler. Wiz's setup looks realy good. If only the motor had a little more power I would deffinatly give it a try with my patcher. It's still handcranked. But I will be looking for a small ( little more power) motor like that though. Maybe I will just try a hand drill once. Lots of torque and good speedcontrol. Sandy.
  11. Maybe this is an option? Just a second hand motor with a little reduction gearbox. Second hand frequency converter (VFD). With pulley and v-belt I spend 110 euro's. LOTS of torque and full speedcontrol. This is not the most beatufull setup but I am too impatient to do it all neat and nice. But it works like a train. Only have had this machine for a few days and at first I didn't want to put a motor on it. But the stand isn't it's original so I didn't mind drilling some holes in it. Sandy.
  12. Hi Trox, The grovve has a flat bottom. See the pic. I know what you mean with that twisting of the v-belt. I had the same problem with that adler 4 flatbed I bought. But it only happended a few times in the beginning. Now it doen't occur anymore?? Don't know why. It needs a lot of tension alright. Don't know if you already know this, but that Frobana outsole stitcher takes the same bobins as the adler's I have. Shuttle looks almost the same too. It looks like the Frobana shuttle is grinded down a little. I will give it a try once to fit the frobana shuttle in the Adler. Just for curiosity. What is the general use for those BIG Adler 20's? They are huge! I guess you could call them 'semi' long arm. I am not a chef. Only have 1 son. BIG one though!!!! Eats definitly for 2. But I don't make large quantities with those kitchenmachines. Those machines are just another hobby, just like those sewing machines. For instance, I have a hydraulic sausage stuffer wich can take 20 kilo's of meat. But I never put more than 4 kilo's in it., haha. Sandy.
  13. Used such machines for knife sheats and dress belts once in a while. Nowadays I use other machines for that but I Like to 'collect' those small machines. I like to see all the moving parts to work. Junker sd28 and the Pearson #6 are my favorite so far. Needle and awl machines are very cool to watch too. By the way, needles are pretty easy to find overhere? 4 or 5 euro's each. They are short and strong so they don't break easily. Sandy.
  14. Thanks Trox. Now something else falls in place. A few months ago, I saw a youtube vid about a three needle sewingmachine. It had this excact sewing 'action'. Never did understand how the mechanism work with the bobin. But only now I understand. It had to be a chainstich machine also. It uses no bobin. Sandy.
  15. I think you got the wrong link Amuckart. But the video below is the right one. Sewmun called it puritan? What does that mean? Anyway, after searching with that word I found that vid you ment. Thanks. Sandy.
  16. Thanks Steve and Sewmun. It's clear to me now what kind of machine this is. Didn't know these machines at all. Only now I realize there wasn't a bobin indeed. So the stich comes loose when the tread breaks somewhere? Thats's not good at all!! But I am still curious though. I asked the seller to hold it for a week so I could think about it. So I will think about it. It's realy hard to not try a 'new' machine, haha... Playing with machines is fun. Just bringing a 'dead' machine to life is satisfaction enough most of the time. So thanks for the info!!! Sandy.
  17. Hi, Today I bought a sewingmachine from a guy. The same guy also had a neglected protos sewingmachine in the back of his shed. It is a needle and awl. I can't find any info of this machine. Does somebody know these machines? Are they any good for leather? I think it has needle feed. The pressure foot was up and didnt go down. Is this supposed to be or is it rusted in place? Without the rust, it should look excactly like this. Any info is welcome. Sandy.
  18. I'm sorry. Pics are a little to big.
  19. Took a day off today to have a look at the machine. I Just couldn't wait for tomorrow. I bought it. It sewed realy smooth. Spare needles and bobbins. I already bought all the stuff to make it electric powered, but now I don't know if I want to mess with it. I like the looks off it some how. It's not it's original stand. This one also misses the footlift lever. I don't mind. Here's a pic of the groove you mentioned Trox. I guess its made for a V-belt. Or the leather belt is to small. It falls right in. A v-belt fits perfectly. Also bought a Frabona sole stitcher. Didn't have this one yet. Anybody interested in an Adler 20-2? He also had this one for sale. 500 euro's. Good price I guess? PM me for more info. Also a few patchers. Sandy. I forgot. A planetary mixer is a machine to kneed dough, whip cream, or mix batter. A meat mincer is a machine to make minced meat. For making sausage and meatballs and such.
  20. Oke Trox, now I get it. Rutex logistics still excists by the way. I realy envy and admire international truck drivers. I could never drive that far. Once I drove 1000 km to Germany on Holiday. I will never ever do that again. I guess my old and rusty 82' Range Rover doesn't have the right seats for that distance haha.. If sewingmachines was my only hobby I would be oke with the small house. But there are a few way to big planetary mixers and meat mincers here and there also. They al compete for space! And than there are the fishing rods...................... and................... I realy have to cut some hobbies down because the sewingmachine hobby is getting to big. sandy.
  21. Hi Trox, What do you mean with drop the feed dog down? Like taking it out so it has no function? Or let the feed dog push less hard by making the needle plate thicker? 2000 km is a hell of a drive for a machine!!! Haha. Sandy.
  22. I didn't know how to adjust that machine that way either. Luckily there is Bob!! Haha. Happy sewing. Sandy.
  23. I have been looking at that wheel a few times but didn't know what was 'wrong'. Now you are mentioning it I see it! Haha... When I go there I will make a picture of the groove. If my boss pays in time I will have a look this weekend. If not, the next weekend. I guess it's quite the same as the Adler 105-25 isn't it? I know (have read) for you guys 350 euro's isn't realy expensive but I gues the prices over here are a bit lower? Very very few people in Holland sew by themselves. I think one of the 'problems' is that the houses are small, 'big' houses are rediculous expensive in Holland so people don't have much space to store such machines. There is an electric Adler 105 for sale now for 'only' 500 euro's. Looks realy nice. If someone is interested give me a PM for that link. Sandy.
  24. Thanks you guys!! Sewmun: This is an American Forum so I have to adept. Amuckart helped me out with the conversions. Amuckart: Thanks for that great chart. I printed it out and keep it next to my pc. trox: I knew you had a machine like that. But I didnt want to be too annoying. You helped me out alot already with that adler i Bought. This machine sounds great too. But it isn't realy cheap (350 euro's). It's on a treadle stand so I have to buy a motor, some pulley's, v-belt and a frequency converter. But next week I will have a look at the machine. If she can drop the price a little bit, the machine is my new toy. We will see. So thanks alot you guys! I will post it if I bought the machine. Greetings from Holland, Sandy.
  25. I guess that would be enough for me Bob. 3 Layers of 4mm (0.16'' ?? have to get me a conversion chart mm-->inch) will be probably max. The only thing I am not sure about is the feed mechanism. I guess I will have to take a look at the machine myself. It's a two hour drive thoug. Stupid sewing machines;) . Sandy.
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