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Everything posted by jynelle

  1. This TechSew SK-4 has had about 10-15 minutes of using time--a brand new machine, we unfortunately bought before knowing we were moving overseas. A great deal for anyone looking for this machine new. Local pickup please--we are in Kensington, NH. Thanks
  2. We're moving overseas! So have decided to sell my industrial machines. In excellent condition, this Cowboy CB4500 is just beautiful in every way. With a servo motor and table this is truly like new!! 2100. We're in Kensington, NH
  3. Moving overseas, I am selling my three industrial machines and a new skiver. Posted here is the Consew 277, a wonderful cylinder arm machine with a high lift. It comes with a servo motor and table (and light). 800. In Kensington, NH
  4. Moving to another country! This Consew 206RB-5 is in excellent condition. With Table and servo moter, it's just a wonderful machine. $1000. It must be picked up, we are in Kensington, NH.
  5. Wow, thank you! I will pour over your list and look forward to getting in touch with you once I’m there—thanks heaps!
  6. Hi Everyone, I'll be relocating to New Zealand (from the US) within the next several months and thinking about selling most of my industrial machines here, before I leave, and starting a-fresh there. The thinking is both to save on overseas shipping expenses, and also with the 220/240 voltage there, to get new equipment that is already set up for that current. Does anyone have any information about suppliers in New Zealand--equipment, leather, tools? Thanks for any suggestions. Jynelle
  7. Hello Everyone, I'm looking to buy a used JUKI LS-341-N and wondering if anyone can point out it's advantages or disadvantages. Also, what improvements were made in the new (and improved?) JUKI LS 1341-N model? Thanks for any thoughts you might have, Janet
  8. Thanks! I'll go ahead and order from them--much appreciate your response!
  9. Hi friends, I've just started working with LCI Clear-Lac (brushing it on full-strength) and would like to thin it a bit. Does anyone have a source for LCI thinner? And/or does the DYO thinner sold at Panhandle Leather work with the LCI Clear-lac? Thanks, Jynelle
  10. Hi folks, Perhaps you can share how you might go about adhering (leather) appliques to the side of a leather bag. I am following the glue process with stitching the pieces together--but find that without glue, the pointed tips of my applique are curling up. So my goal is to adhere the utmost "tips" of these appliques so they don't pull up with wear. What I'm currently doing (that's not working!) : Currently, I'm running a scribe around the applique, then carefully applying contact cement (with a small paintbrush) to the bag--keeping inside the stencil lines but going right up them. I then apply contact cement to the applique, wait until everything is tacky, and press together. The tips of the applique are adhering well, but there's a small messy glue seepage around many of the edges. No luck removing it with either contact cement thinner or a rubber eraser. ***Are there spray-on contact cements that might work--just spraying onto the applique?? ...Or any other thoughts?? Thanks! Jynelle
  11. Thanks for your input! Jynelle
  12. Can anyone recommend leather suppliers in NYC??
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