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Blackey Cole

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Everything posted by Blackey Cole

  1. I didn’t read every reply so this might have been covered. At a time a few years back I was making holster day in day out. The best informative video on western gun belts and holsters was done by bianici(sp) you were able to get it through leather crafters and saddle ans journal at one time that’s where I got my soppy and patterns until you learn what a good holster looks and fits like. Unless you going to make gun buckets and call them holsters big difference. ‘’the other thing I found extremely helpful was a rotary tool that would hold a 1/16” twist drill bit unless you have a heavy duty sewing machine that will sew 1/2” leather. You can use an awlbut the drill bit is easier and faster. You will ever know if done correctly. the last thing I recommend is blue gunforms of the models you plan on supporting.
  2. What you make out of that dear hide? Don't say you threw it away
  3. Call leathercrafters and saddle mans journal and see if they can find the article they published several years ago. They print out the complete article weather it's in one issue or spans several for you. You pay them for the article and not the complete issues.
  4. i like the way you do the connect allowing for multiple holsters to be used with it. I would like to see your pattern. One thing I don't like being of a larger frame and caring larger guns like a XD 45 is the narrow straps most use why not make the straps larger wider where you can and taper down to the buckle size or other hardware so the straps can spread out the weight better than just the narrow straight straps they did forty to fifty years ago which were based on designs prior to the turn of the twentieth century.
  5. Would you be willing to meet along I 10 or I 20 west of you meet me somewhere between van horn or El Paso? Plus how much you wanting for it?
  6. I think yours is either a darker brown or black the back piece need to lay against the leg instead of sticking out like it is now once you fix that you'll be able to tell if you need to trim it.
  7. Actually as I recall the xd45 is wider than any other XD. I bought my xd45 compact years ago when they came out with it. It has the standard barrel with a shorten grip the subcompact has both a short barrel and short grip
  8. Where's Newark tx?
  9. New Mexico, Alamogordo, why you got one for sale?
  10. Cost isn't the problem it's the quality and usability of the one they have. I have the cheap one and modded it over the years but would love one that you sit on and you foot opens and closes it not a bolt something that uses a strap to the latching mechanism and it latched with your right foot. Plus the clamp can rotate maybe. There's a good pattern in a old public domain boo k for a farmer or ranchers that do their own leather repairs, build all these devices for around the place.
  11. Is the bond and lcp w/ laser max still available better yet the bond with the longer barrel
  12. Couldn't remember what they went to after the cast iron ones so yes and no
  13. Me too
  14. I'm thinking the angle is of some but not seeing it worn in the same fashion so I'm not 100 percent sure. I'm looking at where and how the back lays behind the front holster. It's close but I'm thinking the back piece it's exact No offense intended just my observations. I'm having the same problem with a holster I'm working on because I'm angling the holster but having a very hard time with the back piece and belt stabilizer.
  15. Nobody with a boss to part with?
  16. I like it also except for the placement of the mag pouches. It make me think having them under the guns like will mean the guns stick out from the body that much more. And I know of no one that doesn't have the room there that will not make the guns show. I know people with broad shoulders and a slim waist but it will still imprint. On a second look at least they can be removed from under the gun. I think I would have designed the waist hold downs and the mag pouches to attach too the belt and the holsters attach to them even if you have to lower the pouch below the belt. That makes more sense to me.
  17. I thought of stretching the strap but what is the best way to do it when you need almost half inch. I might cut the retention system off and use a friction system instead until I make a similar holster as this was the carry system I was wanting. I'm not a fan of retention systems other than a well fitting holster for concealment anyway as if the holster fits right the gun isn't going anywhere anyway. Plus it will be covered so no one can grab it easily like open carry where I do see the need of a retention system.
  18. I'm looking for a used Tipton boss stitcher at a fair price especially a cast iron one not one of the newer pot metal ones.
  19. I bought a well known holster for my xd45. It was a 3slot pancake with a retention strap. Got it in the size 15 which stated XD compact, XD. Nothing about no xd45 also the only three holsters they say of their that fit are all kydex, I have the CBQ version already and don't want either of the others because of the retention system used. I wanted a 3slot leather pancake holster so it would be snug to the body and blend in better. So now I've got a holster the retention strap will not fasten the snap hits between the other part of the snap and the rivet for the stiffener which basicly puts the snap edge to edge. I have a blue gun and can soap the strap and work it over theblue gun until I get it to snap. I don't know how the blue gun fits but I'm 90 percent sure it's a XD 45 also if not I would use a wedge or two wedges and stretch it that way. But I'm fairly sure I'm going to have the same ploblem. Yes I could make a custom holster but my leatherwork has been put on hold for the near future. Hands are not up to the work, I need to buy a stictcher before getting back in to it.
  20. Jim, thank you again for the free x, this time it's a tutorial. I have a question for you concerning a holster design put out by Kirtpatrick leather as I buy their long hunter 09 holsters for competition. I made a set based on the look of them before buying my first set but I didn't have the wide belt reinforcement or the tab for the belt to keep the holster from riding up on the draw. My question is could you do a tutorial on how to design that extra material that follows the belt.to keep the holster from twisting and if you do a whole holster from a-z add in how to Chang the angle on a pattern from straight to 5-10 muzzle forward which appears to be what the lh08 uses for straight drop, and then a 30degree angle muzzle forward and then a couple of muzzle rearward angles so that I learn how and where the angle should be made because I've taken a straight drop holster pattern copied it drew a center line down it and bent that line by cutting and taping but it wasn't exactly correct it worked but I can see it could be done better.qest for knowledge off.
  21. If you want to make the inside free of resistance try some kg9 leather cote. It is what several top sass shooters use. I loan some last year to ledgendary lawman he quickly came for some more for seriniy the world champion classic cowgirl last two years running iirc. They promptly order their own after last years EOT it makes that much of a difference I apply using a dabber at home and touch up with a finger if needed during a match. Iirc it contains Teflon from what I've been told.
  22. Rock I noticed you didn't line the belt. I also notice the short or almost nonexistent drop on the belt and holster. Plus it is a straight drop holster. I think you might be more comftable and easier to draw and holster with more of a drop and up to a 30 degree muzzle forward can't to the holster. I shoot sass and the old I get the more I want the gun to be just at the right angle and place so my wrist and elbow doesn't have to make up for it. I've looked at several of the rigs used for the b and white westerns being shown daily on the western channel plus looking at both the bianci memorial book and the other one that the name just went . But the belt was made to a l shape almost to position the gun just so, the holster and drop on the belt was much greater that yours and the is a muzzle forward can't to the holster. I've watched and made belts by the instruction from the bianci three video set, George somebody he was the owner of leather crafters iirc, and dusty johnsons DVD. The best was bianci of corse. But I ordered a canvas Wells Fargo belt from the new company and was very disappointed in its quality. I had won a coupon gift certificate. I've used his meathod on making western gun belts several times and for a two gun rig you can not ask for a better belt either as a ranger or bascadero style. I use his ideas for building my holsters also except I've modified them more to my liking, I add more I'd a drop and muzzle forward angle to them. Plus I use more than leather to stiffen them I use al. Flashing between the leather or kydex when available. My fir sass rig was built as a single bascadero drop with a cross draw for the second gun. Eventually I made a drop loop attachment which allowed me to have a double bascadero rig if I wanted but the rig was lost when I totaled my Rv. Back to you rig. Very nicely done neat craftsmanship plus I'm a fan of the black leather with white stitching. I hope you don't take my comments negativity I just wanted to point out possible modifications for your next project. I know several Italians that shoot sass and come to New Mexico every year for the world championship. If it wasn't for the itialian gun makers like UBERTI and pieata(spelling) we wouldn't have the rifles we use and many of the revolvers used. Except for some S&W replicas I'm wanting all my revolvers are made in the USA with USA parts. Ruger and USFA SAAs.
  23. Well you have a couple I'm interested in the bond 3" and the Ruger lcp with laser max. Contact me with a package price shipped to 88310. Or are you interested in a Taurus 24-7 blue gun? In exchange?
  24. Personally, I use a spacing wheel to mark the holes if it's not marked on the template, then I'll take the appropriate awl for the spacing and cut the holes. Then I glue everything together and start sewing it using a hand awl as needed. Now around the welt of a holster I'll use a dermal tool with a 1/16" twist drill to open the hole up.so the needles will fit through the leather creating the stitch. If you do allot of leather work you'll figure out what works best for you and what doesn't work. If I get back into it much more I'll pick up a boss stitcher even though I hate chain stitches. My hand just will not take the hand sewing anymore.
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