I visited Oregon Leather Company yesterday & it takes up the whole block it seems with lots of leather & a bunch of tack. I can understand this as I assume most of the money to be made is in products for horse owners with a lesser amount for motorcycle items, fixing household furniture & automotive seats etc. Sadly, I am not really interested in any of those except one or two. Surprisingly, they offer no classes & pointed me towards Tandy. This led me to believe the only way to learn is to either know someone or through trial & error. We shall see.
@BillB - Thanks for the information; I shall look into those when I return from work this evening. I have friends in Eugene & often make trips down there, so that may work out quite well.
@electrathon - I need to crawl before I can walk, so anything I learn will be great as you never know where or where that ah ha moment will come. That said, what is fueling my ambition is thoughts of making the saddle bags for my bike, some leather armor & costuming pieces for myself or friends, putting the family crest on a piece; maybe on a shield or something...basically things which seem to be in the minority. Not that I have anything against saddles & tack, but I really doubt even if I ended up making a saddle nobody would want it once I got done putting the design on it I wanted & while I don't know what that would be it most likely wouldn't be the standard western motifs I normally associate with riding...but then I haven't been around many horses since I moved from eastern Oregon.