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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Interests
    Kustom cruiser bicycles, Leather work, machining, good food and of course my three children.

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  1. Beaverslayer, thanks for the props. This has been one of my favorite projects to date. Yes it is legal. As to what classification I don't know. I'd have to ask the owner.
  2. Just figured I put this in a new thread. I changed the retention strap as the single strap let go too easily. This two strap method holds the gun quite well. The cartridge belt is a separate piece. It has another belt loop in the center behind the holster. It's all meant to be worn with jeans and woven through any belt up to 1.5". The customer has the leg strap. I will try to post a pic of it being worn. Thanks for looking. Here's the original post http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=45502&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  3. Dwight, that holster looks great. It's a lot of leather and a lot of work. Electrathon, I agree with the longer pocket. It's unfortunately not what the customer requested. Thanks for your input.
  4. Your right. All you have to do is grab the gun and pull. It draws very quickly. So far the customer is ok with this. I think though that it won't be long before he asks for it to be better secured. I was thinking of machining a 1" long stainless steel post to put under the snap on the holster body. It would act as a stop for the gun and reduce the leverage angle in the retention strap. Of course I would have to shorten the retention strap, which is no big deal. What do you think? Any other ideas?
  5. So this is my first holster. Its for a Rossi Ranch Hand. This was also my first time doing any wet molding. All in all it was a good experience. Its two layers folded over. There is a loop area at the top to thread a belt through. I am starting a matching cartridge belt next. This was also my first commissioned work and the customer is happy with the results for the price. Yes the leg strap is the wrong way in the pics.
  6. I'm at a loss for words. Ditto what everyone else said. One of the nicest seats I've ever seen. I wish I could have seen you color it.
  7. I personally would like green. Black would make the legs look too thin unless you left a slight space all around the spider with no color. But hey I'm just some guy.
  8. That's a nice looking piece of leather. Also nice work on the wallet. I'm curious when fully loaded with keys if the keys would tend to poke out the open side under the snap strap? If so that would drive me nuts! Perhaps another side beside the keys or the snap strap to extend to the bottom like a "biker wallet" flap? Just some thoughts for ya.
  9. Nice work, I like the color on this one. Did you put anything in between the leather layers to stiffen it up?
  10. Looks cool. I like the font and the stylized beveling around the letters. What does "strike ak strike" mean?
  11. Looks good. What type of finishing did you use? I'm asking because it looks just oiled yet the tooling and stamping lines are black. Also what's the configuration inside, pics?
  12. Forgive me for my ignorance but couldn't you just cut the window in the vinyl yourself? If your cut is clean and well rounded it wouldn't rip. You could use a large oval punch.
  13. Tiara, your projects look good. Nice use of color. Thanks for the info. Where did you obtain the spring cuff blanks? Let us know how your glow in the dark glazing works out. That will be a neat project.
  14. Gum Trag is a finish top coat type product. You want to use it to finish off the edge by sealing it. You can slick by rubbing in both directions if you like, it's up to you. It all depends on the level of quality your trying to achieve. As your probably starting to notice there are very few hard and fast rules in this hobby. Try different methods and see what suits you best.
  15. Hi Tiara. I'm curious as to what you ordered, and what type of projects your planning. I did a couple of cuffs with the glazed carp. I posted them in the collars, cuffs, leashes and leads section. I found that the holes in yhe fish skin made by my sewing machine needle didn't close back up again like it does with leather. I was using a needle for leather as I backed the fish with leather. I used a thicker thread to try to fill the holes more. It was refreshing to do the fish cuffs as there was no dyeing or finishing involved. I'm looking forward to your input.
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