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    leather tanning, working all kinds of leather from trinkets to boots

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  1. can you send me a link to the tandy pattern? Thanks
  2. So...I am in need of a reasonable pattern for mukluks...I have hard to fit feet, can almost never find boots to fit, and need boots for next winter! I want to do mukluks, partly because they are tall, and partly because they can be lined and WARM...I need warmth on my feet. I have a nice piece of white hide with wool on, that I want to use on the upper part (more warmth), and think it will make them ultra cool looking. What I need help with are the foot part. I plan to put a rubber outer sole on for more durability, as I will be wearing them a lot, but I also need a good liner to give some support to my feet (suggestions welcome!)....
  3. How thick for the leather to make a tap-off? I had seen something about these recently and was wondering if that would do what I want...
  4. I do not yet own a craftaid...guess I should try and find one or two! Looking for FISH and HORSES...if they exist...
  5. Well I am also from Canada,from Saskatchewan even...and I need a change purse, something to hold my coins. I get tired of dumping them into the bottom of my purse...and never finding what I need for change when I need it. So I could use some direction for patterns!!!
  6. ME TOO!!! I have been trying to find patterns for miniature western saddles...have my own ideas for the tooling, but need pattern for the parts...any way I can get a copy as well? I KNEW I should have done this years ago, when they were available all over...
  7. cgleather how can I get a copy of the pattern??? I can figure out how its' made if I have a pattern...please???
  8. As usual, I get the desire AGES after something has gone out of fashion!!! I am looking for pattern to make western saddle style ladies purse/handbag...popular in the 1970's, lots came from Mexico and Arizona, had a little saddle on top.I KNOW they were easy to get, cheap to make...any help would be appreciated!
  9. thinking...I have an idea I need to test!
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