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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Constabulary have you looked at Texas Dies clickers. Thy make out of those things, can't think of it right off hand that Harbor Freight sells for people to make their own clickers. However these already have the clicker plates on them and sell for 400+ and 600+. I'm getting one. Cheryl

  2. If you're using the beveler that comes with the beginning 6, the beveler is much to big to do a good job. Plus I can't even see where you beveled? There no impressions. I think you beveled too close to the line. I'm not the world's best beveler myself so I'm gonna let some other people chime in here. Also how thick is that leather? It looks thin to me which is hard to get to pop. Cheryl

  3. Thank you Chrstn. That's a very good idea except I don't drive. Something I intend to fix by next year. I have looked for low cost vehicles to buy which would be a 'tool' according to my grant. But I'm afraid to buy a 1500 van or truck with me having not driven for years. Too many things that can go wrong with that. If I had someone to share the trip with I wouldn't mind so much but VT to WY is a very long way :)

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