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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Your 'roon looks oily on top which means the steel wool had oil in it and you're supposed to wash it out. Then you dump downy in it for that fresh soft feeling vinegaroon. THEN you run out and get peroxide to try and speed the process and have it done in one day? You are about to ruin a trench coat. I've been using vinegaroon for 3 years and never heard of using peroxide. You also didn't say what kind of leather and if it's not undyed veg tanned you're about to ruin a trench coat. If you don't give the 'roon time to work you're going to ruin a trench coat? I repeated myself because you asked for help here but didn't listen to the suggestions. So when you ruin a trench coat (4th time) please don't come back here and say we steered you wrong. Chryl

  2. I don't see any difference in this than any other hair on hides we use? I say good on her for using an otherwise wasted resource It does make me wonder about whether the hawks and buzzards are getting enough to eat. I've seen hawks swoop down on a freshly hit animal and of course buzzards, as nuch as the turn my stomach, do have a place here in this world. But she says the amount of road kill is enormous so that shouldn't be a problem.

  3. Randi, she can just SIT and shed, LOL. Fortunately she's not into chewing the leather except about 6 years ago she chewed the top off of my LL Bean boot. I was most annoyed. Grey Drakkon I seem to need to keep learning that lesson. And David I totally agree with you. But there is still that nagging urge to tweak the plan :) And Silverbullet I am really happy you have a great Tandy store. Cheryl

  4. I'll admit I'm torn on this issue. And I'll also admit I'm a hypocrite. I don't mind using the reptile skins at all but the mammals still give me a twinge when I order them. I didn't see this until today so I probably would have been buying from them in the past. Now it seems like the only purpose to buy it would be to moo about myself and what a good person I am. I honestly am a good person but I also love working with leather. Odd I won't use elephant and SLC knows not to send it to me in my exotic packs. But that a whole different story....Cheryl

  5. If the sofa was finished as it should have been and the Dr. Quack stuff didn't remove it there's not a lot you can do in this fragile condition. However what I use on my dried out stuff is plain ole bag balm. Cows like it alive and hides seem to like it too. Has glycerin in it. I really rub quite a bit on my stuff dried from alcohol or oil dies and let it sit over night. Any left, which is seldom, I wipe off with a white t-shirt type thing. I would try this cheap method first to see if it softens it up, them move onto to all the expensive stuff out them. Cheryl

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