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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Suddenly I've found I'm afraid of doing something new....which has always been my strong point. I'm doing a multitechnique guitar strap and cut out the leather plugs quite a while ago. But it need a tree of live carved and stamped on it too. I have put that off for ever. today I PRACTICED on a piece of leather the same width as the guitar strap. I don't remember when I've ever practiced anything first...although I probably should have.

    To make it worse, it needs to be a maple tree which does not lend itself to the circular pattern you need for a tree of life. It turned out fine, and now I can dye the practice piece and antique it to clear the colors with the customer.....but I practiced it. Aren't we supposed to get more confident as we go along instead of regress? Cheryl

  2. Hi guys,excuse my ignorance but why is there so many adjustment slots on the custom straps.i just completed a strap for a mate and then thought after about the slots,he is the only one using it and he,s stopped growing now(possibly not his gut).Is it that there may be longer or shorter instruments or is it tradition or what.Please enlighten me. Thanks


    Hi Peter. You answered your own question, his gut is still growing :) Actually I can only answer from personal experience. I made a strap for a man who does open mic night and different people use his guitar. Other than that I don't have a clue unless it's to make us strap makers crazy. I hate trying to make sure the oblong holes are straight. For other people I don't get it and maybe it came from some time in the past when people only had one strap and everyone in the house used it? Your guess is as good as mine.

    I recently made a messenger bag for me, and the strap is one piece, no buckle. All of these things have a buckle, but not mine. What? I'm going to have a growth spurt at my age which will render the bag up to my chin? I don't think so and people are barely allowed to touch it much less borrow it so why did I need a buckle? Yet all of them have buckles. I think it comes from the past perhaps and no one has changed it. Interesting question Peter. Cheryl

  3. Did you do it yet Cheryl?? Huh,huh huh,did ya, did ya do it yet, go on, show us what you did Cheryl..................................................................................................................... and PS. the customer is not always right! :nono:

    Patience my friend, was working on inexpensive bracelets for my Etsy site, need something less expensive on there. Plus need things from My Springfield order to finish the strap. It will sure be a marvel to behold when I unveil it :head_hurts_kr: or perhaps look like I made it for a circus clown.

    You're right, the customer is seldom right which is why I use my considerable powers of persuasion to steer them in the right direction but the man about had a stroke when I wanted to dye Vermont green and the Native American word VT. means verdant hills. It's uh, very green here. I mean it's so green from all the rain, did I mention it's pretty green here? I was afraid he wouldn't like the tractor because I did actually used some red in the brown dye to achieve the rusted look plus some red left :rofl:

    But today I start the stamping the initials and the tree of life on it. How's 'bout I put a picture of that on here? Will that suffice until I get to completely finish it?

    And after all I did talk him into doing it dark with light antiquing which is the reverse of what he wanted. If I'd done it the other way my lovely cutouts would have faded like a wall flower on prom night.

  4. Hi, my name is Mike, and I have a hundred year old sewing machine.....

    HI MIKE....

    Tis bad... if you add up all the money that we(me) spend on "old iron" we (I) could by now have some lovely state of the art, triple feed, walking foot machine that I still wouldn't know how to use ! :oops:

    Exactly, LOL. Honestly I sew most of my things on the 28 handcrank, haven't even moved up to the 15-91 beast yet, LOL

  5. they're search doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason, I would suggest you call their toll free number and tell them what you're looking for. I know from other people here their snaps are much better quality than Tandy. You may pull up two items using a perfectly rational search, but if you call you'll find that the number may increase to 102. I get all my supplies from there so I really can't speak to other companies....Sorry, Cheryl

  6. Johanna I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done, and did before all the changes. I'd be more than happy to do a tutorial if I new what on. I'm getting ready to start a guitar strap that will have hand sewn plugs, stamping and carving. I could take pictures of the process for other people.I also could explain how I made my messenger bag although it's kinda late for the pictures, although I did take a few along the way. There are people much more qualified than I am for both topics but I am willing to do either.

    OR I could do a step-by-step tutorial on starting a leather business. I started that process here last January and I'm still in the process. It's a huge undertaking and I can make that part really clear :-) I mean if you do it right with a business plan, marketing strategies, and keeping up with all your paperwork. Let me know if I can help. Cheryl

  7. Unfortunately I'm trying to marry custom with a business and that is a problem. I'm much too slow in my production right now because of all the different things I try. I think once I really get up and running I'll be able to settle into my original line of products and stay with those They'll still be custom but they won't be any project a person wants done. I have a hard time saying no to any new projects because I like doing different things. I'm in the process of making a new custom strap, finishing up a dog collar, and I just finished making me a messenger bag. That's kind of all over the map but I do have a couple of projects I'm working on that will be similar to each other for my etsy store and increase production time but I'll still primarily be doing custom work, and those will just be fillers I can work on when I'm feeling tired or not in a creative mood. There's room for all kinds of things when you work with leather and as long as I love what I'm doing I won't stop. Even things like the similar bracelets I'm going to be doing I love the part of sewing the lining on with my old Singer 28 hand crank machine. I really like doing that and use it most of the time because it does such a good job and it relaxes me. I have two other old Singer's I use too besides hand sewing. People keep telling me I can't use machines like the ones I have but they forgot to tell the machines and I have a love of old things. I'm so new to this work I'm still finding my way or more like letting a way find me maybe. Cheryl

  8. d, you can use a basic color wheel to mix them, but your going to really have to be creative to come up with those colors using dye. You can buy the blue but I'd use acrylics paints since there is so many more colors. You just add red to your blue to get the purple, and red to yellow to get the orange tones. You can water them down to get the fading, and use less water to get the deeper tones, but you'll want to water them down. If you get water based dyes you can mix those with the paints too for your browns, adding white to the brown to get the lighter tones. From what I see in the picture you would need red, blue, yellow, white acrylic paint and a brown water based dye. Or you could just use brown acrylic. They will airbrush just fine. Cheryl

  9. WOW, one of my friends on here is very involved in scouts and I'll tell her about this thread and she can probably plan it down to a gnat's heel for you. She's so very talented. Her name on here is Winterbear and I know she'll have a lot of great ideas for you. I haven't worked with a group before so I'm afraid I'm not much help. Cheryl

  10. LOL, I was the one who suggested you paint a guitar in oxblood where you had the ooops. It's a beautiful strap.

    I'm going to do all the strap dark brown, and then put resolene on it, and use tan antiquing on the carved and stamped parts. Then I think I'll do the smaller connecting strap in tan to even out the lights and darks. I'd love to get my hands into some oxblood, or some other cool dyes on this, but the customer wants browns. And the customer is right.....right? Cheryl

  11. I'm getting my first ones in this months order so I can't tell you how to set them yet, they have setters and anvils made for them, but you can get anything you want at Springfield Leather Company and if you call them toll free they;ll talk to you about the correct way to set them, etc. They have awesome customer service. Cheryl

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