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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. Bobby


    ***Update*** Hey all, I started this thread & just wanted to give a fair accounting > ....... 1st for Big Papa ...I'm Deaf & can't use a phone, thus on-line ordering is important to me.....well,....never did resolve about the online discount flyer, but I did go ahead and order (on-line) from Hidecrafters anyway as they had a good price on a couple kits & tools I wanted....then >..... glitch >.....only recieved part of the order...e-mailed Ron >....Wow! ....he replied back in about 2-3 hours...sent the rest of my order out that evening......finished the kits (posted in 'critque my work') in time for X-mas........couldn't be happier Never meant any mal-intent towards Hidecrafters as they proved to be a reputable outfit....just wanted to know if anyone else was having trouble with the on-line flyers.. Good Fortune, Holidays & Health to all, Bobby
  2. I'll ditto that! ..Just ordered from them... Kevin was great at addressing my needs...shipping was fast too! Bobby
  3. Bobby


    Russ, Alas!... there in lies my delima,.......I'm just about deaf as a door nail without my hearing aid, and even with it , press one for whatever does me absolutely no good at all .. hence, why I order online...... ...but all is well, Kevin responded promptly ( it is a special order), gave me the prices ( super by the way) & I'm waiting on code numbers. Thanks again, Bobby
  4. Bobby


    OK....& a 'Thanks' to you too!... whinewine...... ... looked up the tool section - didn't show the pebbler's, so I e-mailed them for the prices. (as their prices in general on their other tools were better than most) Bobby
  5. Bobby


    Thank you much Charlie...... ...some how I missed S & D...nice site! ..I'll look into gettin that backgrounder set now. Bobby
  6. Bobby


    OK.......thanks for the heads up ya'll....will arrange to shop else where.... (dag gum it...wish someone else made those pebble back grounders, would have liked to get a set of those ) Bobby
  7. Bobby


    Got an e-mail flyer yesterday from Hidecrafters with a nice coupon code for 25% off.....thought OK..I'll get some things I've been wanting .....tried to order online......entered the coupon code in the box at checkout and all it says is "Coupon code not found" Please try again" ....also, logged in, then at checkout, it says "you are not a registered customer" and wants all the shipping info re-entered...DUH ! ...anyone else having trouble ordering from Hidecrafters on their website? Frustrated, Bobby
  8. .......very nice tutorial.......classy stuff......... for sharing your methods
  9. Got up this morn .... when I read your tutorial...... Thanks !......... very nice ...
  10. Send Space[/url free up to 300 MB
  11. Well, on this topic...guess everyone needs to vent....me too The 'Debate' for me confirmed that I will be voting independent ( Nader, Paul, Barr, doesn't matter)..as I've had a belly full of settling for the 'lesser' of two evils....enough speaking with forked tongue..... Example: a popular quote We are not 'spending' 10 billion a month - We are 'borrowing' 10 billion a month..in the name of 'We don't have any choice, it's national security'..If the war stops tommorrow - congress will 'NOT' borrow that much money for domestic issues...it's not a high enough priority.......especially since we're going to borrow 700 billion to bail out the thieves on Wall St. That's not to say the Iraq war should continue......I just don't think anyone should hold their breath or believe that if the war stops, we're going to have tons of money to fix domestic issues...........or even the money to support the plans of either candidate, since neither could answer what they were going to cut as a result of this bailout. Yes, it can be called ...'being a spoiler'......well guess what McCain/Obama...one of you will lose by less than the margin of people that vote independent because you refused to address the issues of the people like immigration, energy independance, etc......you know ...things that don't require tons of money...just incentives and leadership. We desperately need a third party in this country to challenge this 'do-nothing' two party system...and maybe if enough people 'spoil' it for them, my grandchildren might reap some benefit. OK....I feel a little better....now returning to better things...that being....the learning and following the awesome & talented ideas of leather working folks in this forum
  12. oddball............ outstanding pattern find..........
  13. Nice find Trastu......thanks for the share........
  14. Wow! outstanding little freeware app...........Thanks! worked my butt off to try and do this with Photoshop...great for simplifing pic's for leather tooling.......
  15. Bobby

    Oak Leaves

    Exceptional Clay......... Thanks for the tips.......starting to understand lifting a little....... Bobby
  16. Bobby

    A few from Vera

    Outstanding job..........Wow
  17. Bobby

    Vera's Art

    All I can say is "WOW"........ :w00t: .thanks for the link....
  18. Bobby


    Wow ! Candyleather...... That Loco craftaid sure is nice...........bet he loved your cover book you made......... HeH Heh !.......it's a railroad thing..... Thanks for showing it, Bobby
  19. Bobby


    Thanks all for the warm welcome..... If I can muster the nerve I'll post some of the things I've made....... Bobby
  20. Thanks for the Heads up Clay..... I'm signed up....looking forward to Paul's lessons....... Bobby
  21. Hello all, I live in St Pete...retired Railroad........and a novice at leather carving/tooling........mostly stuff from my local Tandy's......and I must say......I'm in 'awe' of the wealth of information/talent on this board......I have already learned many things here. :biggrin: ... ....so I'll open my introduction with a 'Thank You' to all .......... Bobby
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