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Everything posted by SandSquid

  1. It helps greatly to show the the CASH you have while you ask if they have any SCRAP you can BUY... emphasis on BUY & SCRAP Also you get _major_ points if you go back a few days later with a dozen or so Krispy-Kreme donuts...
  2. I'm ordering (2) 2XL Open Skinned Skunk Pelts to make my "Daniel Boone" cap.... I've got a great idea of what I'm doing from Luke, but I'm still a bit leery of making a huge pile of expensive scrap.Anybody used the Classic Fur Hat Pattern: http://www.glacierwear.com/classic-fur-hat-pattern.html
  3. Enjoying 3 days respite... What the Diretor calls "Black-Out weekend" EVERYBODY leaves Saturday after teh last camper departs and we are not allowed back until Tuesday Morning. Supposedly prepares us for the last push (4 weeks) till Sumer Camp ends.
  4. That's exactly how my mentor taught me to do it...
  5. After much procrastination I purchased a curved awl and attempted my first circular project. The stitching is fugly but my pinkies are really digging their new stalls when I'm hand stitching!
  6. Got a 2-fer in today, had kids shooting archery and leather-working at the same time...
  7. Coolness, I'm still planing on Monday. Is one pelt usually enough? From what I'm seeing they are a bit costly... I did find one place that had skunk pelts, that would be pretty awesome and unique cap. I think I remember Uncle Fester from the Adams Family wearing one...
  8. We are having "explorer" themed week in a few weeks, and I have been requested to construct a Racoon Skin cap alaDavey Crockett. Needs to be real 'Coon (no fun-fur)
  9. Embrace the idea, brother... it's the next big thing in fashion, I swear to you! Try it, once you get over your perception of social stigma, you will notice others coveting you man purse (or as my daughter calls it "Murse") Consider some of the more famous Murses:
  10. Yikes.... HUGE week here at camp.... 11 Archery classes of 20+ each to facilitate !!!! Tuesday it the best(worst?) with (now) 5 classes @ 0900, 1030, 1330, 1530 &1930 Only one leather working class, and only being done by special request of the Dean for "Camp Grace" (A camp for teenage female victims of sexual abuse.) Mystery braids are a must-do, IMO. I think we'll try and tool some flowers from the "desert rose" craft-aid
  11. Old nylon core conveyor-belt belting....
  12. That's exactly what I'm after, a spray or dip to treat teh leather with and allow it to dry before laying up on the shelves o the craft-hut storage area.
  13. I was looking for something to treat the leather and allow it to dry back out, not actually store it cased. If I'm having a leather-working session the night before I take one of each bands along with various chunks to experiment on for each camper coming and case them and store them in a gallon zip-lock baggie until about 2 hours before class....
  14. The Craft Hut here at Camp in NOT climate controlled in any the leather wrist-band straps I have prepared are starting to get a bit funy pretty fast in the humidity here in middle TN.' alt=''> my wrist-bands are already picking up a mildewy smell and some have mold spots on them... To protect my substantial investment of time preparing them, I would like to treat them so they can at least last a through the summer season 6 more weeks, but still be toolable and braidable. common household ingredients that can be procured at the grocery store/walmart would be best, so as to avoid shipping charges. I've seen passing references to a dipping solution using Listerine/water/dish-soap and hope this would do the trick and I can acquire all three easily, but I cannot find the proportions
  15. Thought I'd share my progress so far. I'll still call this one a "prototype"... I'm going to get it all stitched up and molded and to check for fit, make any adjustments of the stitch lines, etc, and then cut it apart and then use that as my template for the final product.
  16. and I have just figured out how to do a 5-strand. Is a 7 strand possible?
  17. It has been suggested that I post that should anyone feel the compulsion to assist the can do so by making donations to our PayPal account : goodshepherdyoutharchery@gmail.com It would be 100% tax deductible..... Our IRS EIN number is: 62-6072830 the 501c3 is attached below;
  18. I would not give up hope entirely, yet, but I just ordered (200) Line 20's which I surmise will get me through the summer. My leather working instruction and work table has evolved into this: Though it is oftentimes much messier! The (3-strand) Mystery Braid continues to be a hugely popular item for the campers. I got to spend several hours facilitating Archery and Leather Working with this weeks' "Camp Peace" Campers; children and youth who respond to everyday situations and problems with aggressive behavior. It was a little scary "arming them" with bows & arrows, and swivel knives and mallets, but they all had a great time and were able to work out some teen angst in a positive constructive manner. They were especially challenged by the Mystery Braid and though many of them got frustrated and wanted to quit. I just kept demonstrating it to them and telling them to follow the instructions, step-by-step and assured them they could do it, and eventually they worked through it. Since this is a Church Camp I tied it in like this: We all trusted in the instructions and followed them, and we were successful in completing your Mystery Braid. Perhaps there are some instructions in the Bible can help us succeed in life??? Hmmmm. perhaps.... One Camper combined archery and leather-working, in a very creative way and I have just figured out how to do a 5-strand
  19. Sometime late last week my access to this forum took a massive Valium. If I access the site as a guest, from any random computer everything is fine. As soon as I "sign in" it takes pages literally 5+ minutes to load any page, if it loads at all. Most of the time I get a"connection has been reset by the server" error. I thought it might be my local LAN so I took my laptop to the local laundromat (closest free WiFi) and it did the same thing. While at the laundromat, I tried using my daughters MacBookPro which, had never accessed the sight before. pages loaded nice and fast while attached as a guest, nice and speedy. Soon as I "signed in", the speed took a massive dump on me. I wonder how long it will take to reload soon as I click "post New Topic" button. or if it will time out on me.....
  20. I'm still not seeing it.... am I looking in the right place, under: Leatherworker.net > Specialty Leatherwork > Other Specialties
  21. look at online scroll saw patterns, and especially children's' coloring books/pages.
  22. Nice prices, better than flea-bay for sure! I'll be placing an order to flesh out the camps' paltry stamp collection today.
  23. I had not thought of that! thanks for bringing it up, because it has been specifically requested that I work with a small group of young men that are coming in two weeks who are in the "Camp Peace". The Official description is "This camp addresses the need of children and youth in our society who respond to everyday situations and problems with aggressive behavior. Camp staff will help youth learn ways to short-circuit their tendency toward violent responses, while helping campers develop effective problem solving skills that enable them to avoid confrontation." Three years ago we were slightly leery of them coming to archery, but nobody got stuck with any arrows, in fact they loved it and their counselors scheduled additional sessions and used it as an incentive.... I'm sure they can handle the swivel knives as well!! I've started wrapping all "my" tool handles in bright duct tape they sell at WallyWorld. The camp does not really have any tools (yet) but I was planing to coat them in PlastiDip when we got some funds raised to purchase a few sets of the "basic 7" This is a "Kids Only" sort of Church Camp. Parents drop and dash for the week. If it's going to happen I need to make it so.
  24. That mallet would totally work, and the price is right, I'll pick up a few next time I get down to "the big city"... The closest Harbor Freight is still an hour away in Jackson, TN though.
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