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Everything posted by Havamal

  1. Good trade! I have gained a lot of good deals through bartering. I prefer that to cash a lot of the time, people tend to be more will to part with things that are worth more than if you got cash!!
  2. Welcome aboard Jeff... I'm at about the same stage of learning as you are... Looks good, All I can give is the same advice I have been given...Practice!
  3. Havamal


    Welcome aboard to the greatest wealth of leather knowledge on the internet and the one place that has an abundance of people willing to help!!!
  4. I was looking through all the images you posted and figured I would just post to one that had other replies rather than comment all each one and blow up your notifications! You do very good work, thanks for posting all of the images!
  5. Not a bad idea at all, I was thinking along these lines myself. With me they would only be given out with a purchased piece or to select individuals... when doing any kind of show they would not be cost effective. When my wife and I do shows people grab the business cards provided at an astonomical rate! We go through anywhere from 500-800 business cards and tri-folds during a 3 day show... you can imagine how that adds up, then you factor in that you may only hear back from 3-5% of those people!
  6. Welcome aboard! This site & it's people are a wealth of information. I am just starting to work with leather and what I have learned from this site has been very helpfull! To echo the others ... Thank you very much for your service! Wife was Army and my oldest son is Navy so I know how tuff the life can be.
  7. Welcome aboard! I am at the same point you are, just begining... and scrounging for change to get the next tool!
  8. Welcome aboard! You will find this site a great resourse for ideas and information and the people are great when it comes to input! Those vases are pretty cool! What are you lining coating the interior with for water proofing?
  9. Like the design! I know what you mean about there not being any patterns or even many examples to look at out there... my wife got a kindle for Christmas and I was looking around for ideas for making a cover, but like you said, there just aren't any patterns or examples out there! Thanks for sharing
  10. I'm not sure if you are having trouble with the shape or the detailing, but saw one that was done on a Targe at a highland games a couple of years ago. For the bottom of the flower it looked like detail cuts in a cross hatch pattern was used and then the flower itself just looked like they used a scratch awl or stylus and put in fine lines going out in the bloom then split the ends of the scratches into 3 or 4 points to give it that fuzzy effect. Could you post a pic of what your trying? It might help people make suggestions if we can see the piece
  11. I had a mask that was not properly vented and the heat from my breath would come out the top and fog my riding glasses! Not a good thing at high speed
  12. Looks great! How is it for breathability? I don't see any ventilation holes...
  13. Welcome aboard! I too find leatherwork theriputic, not so much physically but mentally... I work a high stress job and it eleviates a lot of that when I pound on some hide for a while! Look forward to seeing future work from you!
  14. Well said Mike... your speaking up about this says a lot about your character and represents what all people should aspire to.
  15. Welcome aboard! Nice whip... would really like to see some of your other works!
  16. welcome aboard! and a Merry Christmas to you too!
  17. Welcome to the addiction... at least you can feel good about going to the poor house doing something you enjoy!
  18. That's what matters most, keep them happy and they return for more and send thier friends!
  19. I bet she was happy, excellent workmanship! S&W 380 Bodyguard explains a lot... that is a tiny gun!
  20. Like the design! You'll have to update us if the stiching gets cut Thanks for sharing! Bill ~ haven't you figured it out yet?... everyone seems to wait until you post to a thread before they do, I think it has become some sort of tradition
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