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About Squilchuck

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    Wenatchee, WA

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  1. I have dis mantled my first saddle. it is a 1974 circle y roping saddle.  is it necessary to re use the ring type nails or can i just use galvanised nails of the same length and size(on the rebuild) ? thanks so much

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    2. Squilchuck


      Use the same holes that the nails were in.  I'd put screws (1" drywall, or cabinet screws) in the front where the skirt meets the fork and behind fork via hand hole. Put a couple regular or galv nails in between.  If skirt had nails in back into bottom of cattle then replace w galv nails.  Spread the fleece w your fingers to keep it catching in screw when driving screws.

    3. Squilchuck


      A recent post suggested lathe nails  I have used those too  in place of ring or galv nails

    4. Squilchuck


      If you using real fleece be sure to get bark tanned fleece.  Get a piece at least 10 sq ft large. I think Tandy has it on sale now.  I get it from Weaver.  Cut out w front of skirt at butt end of fleece and bottom of skirt along back of sheep not belly 

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