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Artisan Dave

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Everything posted by Artisan Dave

  1. Yes, it is absolutely complete with Pedestal Stand, DC Servo motor - absolutely everything! Cheers
  2. Open Letter to All Leatherworker. Net Members. from Artisan Sewing Machines. I am pleased to announce some very special pricing on our Artisan TORO 3000 & 4000 R models. As of today, the Artisan Toro 3000 will be offered at a remarkable price of $1650.00 complete with a left toe presser foot, a right toe presser foot and a double toe presser foot. Our Deluxe Roller Edge Guide will also be included. As always, there are extra bobbins, extra needles, and some thread to get you going. Needless to say, our Limited Lifetime Warranty and Lifetime Customer Support is a part of every Artisan investment. The Artisan TORO 4000 R will be offered at $2750.00 with the same great accessories and service as the TORO 3000. For those of you wondering why we might be doing this, the answer is quite simple. We will be introducing two brand new Second Generation models very shortly. These have been in the design and testing stages for the past few months and will be available once we have sold our existing stock of the current models of TORO 3000’s and 4000’s. As some of you may realize, when ordering castings from the foundry, in the interest of keeping prices affordable to you, our customer, we must order a minimum of 400 of each model at a time. Once we have depleted the balance of our current models, we will introduce our New Artisan Second Generation machines to the general public. We thought you would like to know. Artisan Dave
  3. Chuck, Please give me a call and I will make sure your Artisan Servo Motor is operating correctly. Dave 1-888-838-1408 Thanks
  4. You might want to consider an Artisan Servo Motor - which is SPECIFICALLY designed for Leather Stitching - the electronics circuits are designed for you to be able to sew significantly slower than other servo motors that are manufactured for more generic use. Also our price is $160.00 for the Servo Motor and I believe the site you have mentioned is asking significantly more.
  5. Jeremiah, All the suggestions given here so far are excellent. Not knowing who you are - I cannot call you - so please call me and in a matter of minutes you will have perfect stitching on both top and bottom! Please do not hesitate to call - that is what we do - and we do it very well. I will go through the threading procedure with you to make sure you have not overlooked anything and then we will adjust your tensions properly. Although the top tension may 'appear' to you to be fine - it is probably too loose and is not 'pulling up' the bobbin thread enough. Jeremiah, the best tool Artisan can offer you when you have any questions is the TELEPHONE - 1-888-838-1408 For everyone else reading this - we now have adequate supplies of our DVD for your viewing pleasure! Should any of you wish to have one - call or send me an email: dave@artisansew.com
  6. Ed, The blade MUST be sharpened on the right equipment - a good surface grinder with an experienced operator at the helm. We offer a service whereby your blade is on the way back to you within 48 hours of us receiving it for resharpening. It is done by the same outfit that assisted us in the design, composition, and correct hardness of the blade. It is all they do - and they do it very well. I enjoy going into their facility - full of great machinery, tools, and capable craftsmen - and they are really good people. Cheers
  7. Bruce, We will be working on that shortly - but in the interim please feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have. Dave
  8. Call us with your address and we would be happy to send you a copy! Thank Dave
  9. Johanna, Go for it - we would like everyone who wants a copy to be able to download it. Thanks
  10. Kevin, You need to call me in the morning! Your TORO should NEVER skip a stitch - period! End of Story! There is one tool that all you folks should use more often whenever you have a concern: THE TELEPHONE ! Kevin - your machine will operate perfectly - but you need to let us know you are having a problem. We stand behind every machine we build for each and every customer. I hope to speak with you tomorrow so you can be stitching effortlessly all weekend! Dave
  11. I will look into the sound issue right away. Thanks for the comment! Dave
  12. Take a look at our new TORO 3000 Video. It covers everything you will ever need to know..... from setting up your new machine, threading, adjusting, general preventative maintenance, etc. I am very interested in your feedback - please let me know if you found it educational and what you would like to see in our next production. Here is the link: http://www.leatherworker.net/Artisan/index.htm
  13. Ed, We are sorry to hear that about your LED Lamp - We will gladly replace it for you. Give me a call and it will be on its way! Thanks Dave
  14. I feel the need to comment on the last portion of your post. While I truly respect your decision to purchase the machine of your choice the last part of your post was in error. There is a major difference between Artisan products and ALL of our competition. To begin, there are major differences in the quality of the internal parts. Compare your shuttle hook and race with that of the shuttle and race we use in our TORO 3000. Artisan parts are manufactured to OUR standards and with well over 1500 machines in the marketplace we have the track record to back up our claim of being the innovators and not the just another company who copies! Secondly, Artisan TORO Stitchers are now shipped with a Limited LIFETIME Warranty. If your motor fails on your Ludwig, or a shaft wears as a result of a poorly engineered bushing on your Ludwig, etc., you will be in a position of paying for a replacement and your total cost will then FAR exceed that of an Artisan. Not only do our customers receive the Limited Lifetime Warranty, but they also receive: Extra Needles Extra Bobbins Halogen Lamp A Left Toe Foot A Right Toe Foot A Double Toe Foot A Deluxe Roller Edge Guide Dollars to Donuts you only received a left toe foot. The other feet are close to $100.00 EACH when you purchase them. The Deluxe Roller Edge guide is $105.00. If you were to purchase the extra feet etc - your Ludwig would cost CONSIDERABLY MORE than the Artisan. You say you ordered several accessories as well. What were they? What was your FINAL COST, I would really like to see that posted as well. One last thing - there is no doubt an Artisan will last a lifetime - but let's just pretend it will only last for say 20 years. With a Lifetime Warranty and Lifetime Telephone support - does the few dollars you THINK you saved amount to more than $5.00 - $10.00 a year? No it does not! Tripping over dollars to save dimes is not always the best approach. To summarize - I am not knocking the Ludwig machine. What I am saying is that INVESTING in an Artisan would have brought an immediate smile to your face and you would still be smiling for years and years to come.
  15. That is a walking foot machine - not a needle feed. Use 135 X 16 needles for leather and 135 x 17 needles for fabric, canvas, etc. As for value - it's a decent machine and should do a pretty fair job. It should sew about 3/8" thick...or so.
  16. The approximately 4" leather was Herman Oak vegtan. The demonstration of splitting skirting into 10 or 12 paper thin slices was a demonstration of how fine you can control your splits.(Although Steve tells me he was asked to split some chrometan as well) Prior to loading his Splitter on the back of his truck Chan Geer asked us to split a full 20" wide piece of skirting and it performed perfectly. For those of you who know Chan, contact him and get it straight from the master. You may also want to contact Brock or Jason Lynch, Carl Savaco for further references. I will be happy to give anyone who contacts me a much longer list. I personally split, on at least 10 occasions, full 20" skirting for those who seriously asked me to. If all our demonstrations were on 20" wide pieces of leather - we would have easily added an additional $2500.00 - $3500.00 in leather costs. I'm sure we all realize how expensive leather is these days. This splitter was over 2 years in the developing - we did not bring it to the marketplace until we knew it was ready. It is a great piece of equipment and we are proud of its performance. Thank you.
  17. Art, While Artisan is indeed ahead of the curve in design, value, performance and Customer Service - we really haven't yet finalized the June 2009 Newsletter! We did, however, complete the June 2008 Newsletter (Have a good Weekend)
  18. Needless to say, I and all of us at Artisan strongly disagree with the above post. I am rather suspicious of this post as well - because not only is it not true, it has been posted merely to cast doubt on an entire line iof machinery that already has an outstanding reputation. Frankly, it should be deleted by the moderator.
  19. Or...... You can take a look at our 10 TON Clicker - about 1400 pounds but on wheels! We will have one in Sheridan next week if any of your folks are attending. Thanks
  20. Bill, Thanks for the kind words. We really do try to help. I think this forum is great - and there are a lot of really kind folks who contribute their knowledge and experience almost on a daily basis. I have seen you post some very detailed responses to questions - and that is one of the many ways that makes Leatherworker.net the success that it is. Yesterday I sent Ed a bunch of different screws for his Stitcher - because he was having some problems finding the correct Metric thread and length. Even though it wasn't an Artisan machine I was more than happy to send them to him at no charge - simply because he is so active and helpful to others on here. ............I only wish I had the creative talents that most of you here have so I can make something for myself....but I have not been blessed with those talents...so I sell the machines instead!
  21. If you didn't resolve your problem at Lowes........drop me a note and I'll send you out replacement screws of the same specs as you listed. Of course, the screw may not be your problem - you may have a stripped casting. I can send you the same spec screw - or longer if you prefer. Just let me know. Now when you think of all you time lost, gas wasted looking for a screw replacement, etc. - YOU SHOULD HAVE INVESTED IN AN ARTISAN! (I rest my case, your honor) Seriously though, as long as I have it in stock, I would be happy to send you whatever screws you need.
  22. Hi Regis, The first thing that comes to mind is that the Bobbin Case Tension Spring may be bent or otherwise damaged. Take a look at it and let me know- I'll be happy to send you another one in the mail. If it doesn't look damaged at all, give us a call here and we will help you find the problem. Your TORO 3000 should sew very well with a full bobbin and we will make that happen! 1-888-838-1408 Please remember that one of the advantages of being a TORO 3000 owner is LIFETIME telephone support! Regards
  23. RSG3, Why don't you give us a call here at Artisan before you make your final decision. I would be happy to answer all your questions or concerns. Between myself, Jerry and Steve - we have over 90 years experience - so take advantage of it and talk to us. 1-888-838-1408
  24. Hi Nicker, Please call me at 1-888-838-1408 and I will take care of that for you immediately.
  25. Hey Gunfighter, Just a small point (excuse the pun) about those needles. Everything I am referring to below follows the Schmetz system of classification. 135 X 17 is a Fabric Point Needle. The system 135 x 16 TRI is the same size needle but the point is for leather. A 135 x 16 TRI has the same Diamond Shaped Point as the 794D system that is used in the Heavier Stitchers like the Toro 3000, etc. I would suggest you try the 135 x 16 TRI point needles for most of your leather work. For very light leathers, like deerskin, stick with the 135 x 17 as the leather point needles would create too large a hole for proper stitching. Artisan carries these Schmetz needles in stock - as do many other Industrial Sewing Supply outlets. I hope this helps. Dave
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