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Everything posted by charlescrawford

  1. Camano Ridge thanks! That would be awesome. Yes it is for a LCR x3. That's what I thought about the conceal-ability of the holster. I have never met these folks but I am suppose to see them sometime this weekend. Thanks again
  2. I am looking for a revolver pattern. I have someone at our local gun club that has one of the newer Ruger revolvers. the barrel length is 3". I have tons of fold over patterns but they are wanting something that has belt slots. One on the left two on the right, similar to a pancake style slot arrangement. I don't have to worry about tooling but they want it small enough it won't go to far out the bottom of a vest. They also want something that can be formed in my thin air press like I do with my semi auto holsters. Anyone got anything even close to this?
  3. Gotcha now it makes sense. Beautiful avenger btw
  4. Oh OK Dwight that makes a lot of sense. I never knew that. I just figured it was self explanatory. Pop a rivet in the hole and your set. I will try it your way.... Thank You !
  5. Chief Jason, I will be the first one to admit that I had a MS moment and forgot to "flip" the design for my right handed draw. I have tried clips from Tandy and I have been less then impressed. They have one hole for a rivet. So the holster spins with a loaded gun (my xds). It's almost like Tandy had a design flaw with these. I tried this on 3 different holsters and the same thing on all 3. The first time I drew the gun the rivets don't stay on. The first attempt I thought OK I didn't have it tight enough but the other two there was no way I could have gotten it any tighter. So do they make clips with 2 holes that would be more secure? Or am I not securing the clip correctly?
  6. Camano Ridge thanks I will research things tomorrow. I would love another pattern to work from! Thanks
  7. Here is a pic. It's off a Stohlman design.
  8. So I have been working on a IWB holster for my XDS. I put 2 belt slots on the sweat guard and design it so it folds over the waistband of my pants with the gun and holster IWB. The problem is every time I draw the holster pops out upside. No matter what style IWB I do this keeps happening. Really getting tired of throw crap out. What gives? Thanks guys Charles
  9. How much are you wanting for your puberty sewing machine? How much are you wanting for your puberty sewing machine?
  10. I have a bunch of Beary's stuff for my dremel and I love it. Well worth the money that's for sure!
  11. Since my last posting a few weeks ago my wife had gotten me a manual thin air press from a group up in Canada that makes them for the skate board industry. Originally I reservations but after using it for a couple months now and seeing now holster clients like it that bought holsters before I got the press and now after they love it. The press puts about 300psi and boy is it a work out but the retention it gives tooled holsters is amazing. I generally do a base stain then wet the holster put the BG in it and thin air press it for 2-5 minutes as tights as I can then release it and let it finish drying. Then a day later with the BG still in it I finish dying. Then remove BG for inside work. Once everything is set I burnish and seal. The thin air press ran us $60 and can be reused over and over. www.roarocket.com
  12. Katasss is a wealth of knowledge I have found. I have only been doing this a couple years and to be honest I love his common sense approach to things.
  13. I have run into the same issue I have read the books I am using the groover correctly. Mine from Tandy came with two blades a short blade that goes into the int and another blade that's much longer and in a L shape. L shape is as sharp as a plastic knife without the teeth. The smaller one was dull as hell from the start and I can't seem to clear leather from the hole. I make mainly holsters and I have gotten 2 pro groovers and this has happened on both. Is there a difference between the the saddle makers groover tandem does and the pro or is that one gonna be crap to? I just need something that works.
  14. Send me a PM if still available.
  15. Will do Supercub will check out the videos too thanks!
  16. I just thought if was odd that one knife came up on a round knife search. From doing some looking online Springfield leather seems to be the place to buy the white sharpening stones (fine grit). I think I saw they had them for 14 or maybe it was 21 bucks
  17. CamanoRidge Thanks for pointing that out. Sounds like the Osborne knives at Zackwhite are going to be my best options within my budget for right now. The discriptions on their site kind of suck though. Is one better quality? I spend a lot of time on you tube watching saddle makers and holster makers and I have never seen anyone of them ever use a Osborne combo knife is it just me or is that a good way for a guy like me to loose a digit??....lol http://www.zackwhite.com/Osborne-Head-Knife_p_812.html http://www.zackwhite.com/Osborne-Round-Head-Knife_p_811.html This was just on the round knife page. never seen anyone use it online so I am curious does anyone actually use these they look like a good way to end up in the ER! http://www.zackwhite.com/Osborne-Combination-Knife_p_810.html
  18. Zack white has the Osborne knives for 49 and 65 ( have no blue what the difference is other then price) I originally was looking at hunting knives and this popped up and that's what got me talking to this guy that's a variation of a round knife. Just needs a handle. http://bit.ly/1ebWl66
  19. Thanks for all the input and info. The cost breakdown is about the same between buying a round knife and having one made both will run around 50-75 bucks so I was just looking at what my different options were.
  20. He is suggesting D2 or J2 steel and the end product will end up being a hardness somewhere in the 52-56 range which I didn't know for the type of knives we use if this was a good hardness and if one of the 2's was more preferable. I was hoping he would have access to ATP but since he has not mentioned that in the response he must not have the equipment or the access to the raw steel. I keep hoping I will hear back from the guy at church ......
  21. Supercub - Any idea where D2 or J2 csteel falls in the scope of things? Hardness of of 52 - 56? This is greek to me. I asked about the ATS-34 and this is what I got back....
  22. Thanks for clarifying sounds like ATS-34 is the way to go then. Also found a guy on eBay that makes custom knives in case the guy from church falls through.
  23. Supercub - If you had to choose between carbon steel or ATS-34 which would you choose? See I come from a skating background. I figure skated competitively and then taught for 15 years before MS forced early retirement at 35. Skate blade makers switched from Sheffield steel to Carbon Steel a few years ago mainly 440 or higher. The benefit to skaters normal steel blades rust and you had to sharpen them every 30-40 hours of skating time for competitive skaters. Carbon steel didn't rust nearly as easy and skaters got 80-120 hours of skating time between sharpenings. So remembering that that's why I started wondering if it would be possible to make round knives from carbon steel 440 or higher but then can you strop it? You never strop skating blades....lmbo
  24. I will definitely look into the ATS-34! I tried the tried the 1k grit sand paper which helped a little bit. I go to church with a guy who is a metal artist I will see if he has access to this ATS-34 metal. Is it a type of carbon steel I wonder?
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