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J W Craftsman

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About J W Craftsman

  • Birthday 03/20/1981

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    Orangeville, PA

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  1. Thank you for the info guys much appreciated!
  2. Also, what would the value be on a machine like this?
  3. I found this Consew for sale not much info with it other then it works, it's industrial, sews up to 1/2" has forward and reverse. I have no clue about sewing machines. Any info would help. What thickness could I see with this? Can I make it a walking foot? Would it be good for making handbags?
  4. Adding scratch awls to my offerings. This ones ready to go. Curly maple dyed blue with copper ferrule. $25 shipped in the US will have a few more available in a couple days.
  5. Thanks!
  6. The price of the awls is $70 shipped in the US. The X acto knives are 35 shipped in the US for wood ones and 45 for resin ones. If you mean the Starrett pin vise I purchase them from Amazin.
  7. Showing off some of the tools I make. First is one of my awls with feature copper ferrule and slStarrett 162b pin vise. This one is made from curly anigre(and available if interested) I also make custom X acto knives. I use these knives daily in my shop and the nicer hardwood handle is kite comfortable and just plain looks better! Takes standard X acto blades.
  8. Snow seal gives a nice matte finish. You could also make your own by mixing beeswax and neatsfoot oil.
  9. I have a question regarding finishes like this. I prefer the look of the wax finish over the shiny resolene finish. I also noticed it gives the leather an almost "pull up" charecteristic when using this finish. My question is. Since it's a mixture between wax and nf oil is there any further conditioned needed for the leather? Oil before the wax/oil combo. Oil after wax/oil combo or is oiling no longer necessary since your using a mix of oil/wax. Also, is the oil/wax good as a finish just on its own? I should add, I'm referring to more the wax/oil combo you rub on then melt into the leather with a heat gun.
  10. Looks great Pam!
  11. No not the split ring, the part attached to the wallet. Didn't know what it was called and if it was something Ryan used exclusively or if it was a readily available item.
  12. Looking for these two items. Anybody know where I can pick come up? Wallet ring Money clip
  13. Curly Anigre one has been sold.
  14. Forgot to mention that each awl has a flat spot ground on one side for thumb placement and to prevent them from rolling off your workbench.
  15. Newest addition to my lineup. Hand turned hardwood awls featuring Starrett 162b pin vise and copper ferrules. First one is made from curly Anigre. This will not be a regular production wood choice. I have very limited quantity of this wood as most curly Anigre with this much figure is cut down and used for veneer. I was able to snag a couple pieces from my supplier. This one is made from cherry burl and will be an permanent wood choice when ordering awls. Has great figured and will take on that great patina cherry wood is known for. Like all my other pieces each one is sanded to 400g to give a super smooth feel and finished with antique oil for protection and to give the wood a nice hand rubbed look. ***Awls do not come with blades. With such a wide variety of blades available as well as sizes it also allows me to keep the cost of the awl down by allowing you to select which blade will work best for you The awls are $75.00 shipped within the U.S. These two are ready for immediate shipment. All other orders please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery As these are made to order. Any questions please message me here or my email at jwcraftsman@gmail.com
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