There are a couple of embossing machines available. Campbell Randall in Yokum, Texas makes an industrial quality powered machine.
They can also supply roller embossing wheels. I’m not sure of the pricing but have seen the machines operating. Very high end machine for production work.
There is a hand operated machine being sold by Millers Wholesale Harness. I haven’t seen it but I’ve seen pictures and it looks like it is well made. They also have solid brass embossing rolls. We have a few of their rolls, they are very high quality. They are Amish and do not have a website or a telephone. I think the only way that they can be contacted is by mail. There address is: 350 Spruce Pine Road, Columbia KY 42728.
We originally had one of the Tandy machines. It was hard to get a decent impression. The embossing rolls had a small outside diameter 1-1/4” to 1-1/2”. We weren’t happy with the results and sold it.
We eventually found a 100 year old hand powered machine made by F.K. Russell with several old embossing rolls. Machines and embossing rolls were made by Russell, as well as McMillen and C.S. Osborne many years ago. If you can come across one of these, they are great machines. It’s very hard to find the old embossing rolls but the rolls from Miller Harness will work in the old machines. We’ve tried the composite rollers but find the steel and brass rollers give a much deeper impression.