I assume you are talking about Cowboy Sew. I got a 441 shortarm machine from Neel's Saddlery. It is almost identically equipped as the Artisan Toro 3000 (I say almost because i have only read specs. on the artisan website or flyers). Anyways, i know you asked about Cowboy sewing machines, my point is they(Cowboy Sew and Neel's saddelry) from what i was told have some kind of business thing going. They sell the same machines. If you look at Cowboy Sew website Ryan Neel is listed on there as some sort of engineer. I know I am rambling now, I have been very happy with my machine so far. I drove up to Neel's Saddlery and picked up my machine and they took about 2- 2 1/2 hours going over how to set up and use my machine. They were very friendly, and if i called them with "dumb" questions Ryan did not make me feel like a dummy. Plus, his price was about $100 to $200 cheaper than artisan. I am just trying to pass along my experience, i have only heard good things about Artisan, but for me i had to go with the money.