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About eireman72

  • Birthday 05/19/1972

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    North Carolina

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Still figuring it out, handmade, hand stitched, custom pieces.
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  1. Thanks for the repost on this, it's fantastic!
  2. It's advice like above why I love this forum. Thanks all.
  3. Thanks for the share. I love old stuff like this!
  4. A gentleman that I learned his technique from uses dry sponges and spirit dyes to get the same effects. Of course ask 10 leather workers how they block dye and get 10 different answers. Which is why I love what we do.
  5. Second to Chiefs comment, on both parts. Though I will admit that I am a huge fan of Fiebings Aussie and use it for a lot of my projects.
  6. I love this write up. Al Stohlmans book is great. The first thing I did was to build a small stitching pony, but do have plans for building the full size one in the back of the book. My little pony isn't pretty, but it sure works wonders. Thanks for the other tips on the awl as well.
  7. eireman72


    I too am interested if you still have any. Please email at mcehand@gmail.com
  8. I too am interested in both packs. Excited and can't wait to see
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