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Everything posted by OKCtitan

  1. blue62, I don't usually like black, personal preference. But that is nice! GOOD job!
  2. Jim, thanks for your reply. Really it all makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to post this and other patterns. Ken
  3. camano ridge, Thanks for answering my question. I guess I was trying to make it more complicated than it is, after all that's the way Brazos Jack drew it. Thanks again for your reply and video. It was a big help. Ken
  4. Jim, Thanks for the pattern and instructions. I plan to try to make one. At the risk of showing my ignorance, I have to ask, Is it made to wear on right side, butt forward to be drawn left handed, or worn on left to be drawn left handed? I could turn the pattern over and make it LH worn and RH cross draw. Which is correct? I'm wondering how it was worn during the Civil war. Thanks so much. Ken
  5. My first post here to show my new holsters.
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