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    south east coast australia

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    messing things up
  • Interested in learning about
    how to fix it

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  1. nevermind, i found out how to sharpen my awl. ive been doing it wrong! http://sciencefocus.com/qa/whats-sharpest-object-ever-created
  2. Pahaha okok, you guys seem to have a better grasp of the metric system than I do. Youre right I meant 7.5 mm of course. And you say you happily awl 12mm ? I will have to check some youtubes because I just couldnt imagine it with my technique.
  3. they are well worth the money, he used zinc plated nails i think which kinda bent easy, but the prouct was good, and the man is a gentleman. throw him a couple of bucks!
  4. yeh, i just got burnt up the other day. I went to a touristy trinket shop and they were selling locally handmade leather items such as veg tanned plain belts stiched and everything for $30 australian (about $35 american) The work wasnt artisan but it was really solid for the price. When i spoke to the shop assistant I commented on the very cheap price and she started off on this diatribe about this guy that came in the other day and gave her grief for her very high prices.. Made me a bit sad and i guess seeing your lovely belt brought that back. Customer service is the worst and i speak from experience. I think its about finding an educated market. I just make stuff for friends and most wouldnt be willing to pay even cost price for the materials but alot of older blokes at work remember a time when a belt could last you 20 -30 years and happily pay whatever. I even give them a lifetime warranty (if they are old enough) :D
  5. Lol true.. "NEXT!"
  6. Hmm, maybe, in the pouch I was making the leather wasnt great quality but was probably around 75mm thick. Would you still use an awl for that? I would have been there all day, no matter how sharp it was and the drill only took me a minute. I would've thouht the only critisism would have been the holes would be ragged but I used a good sharp bit and I didnt notice any real dramas. I guess time will tell how it wears.
  7. Yep I really like your distinctive colouring, you have established a nice overall style too! Good luck explaining to the general population why your belt is a bit more expensive than that vinyl one they can get from china!
  8. Cool bag, have you done many of this design before? Is it a magnetic closure or just gravity and how does the belt loop stand up over time? Cheers
  9. The only thing I could say is that the feathers could be textured a little differently to make them stand out as feathers. Did you see the other post here with the leather carved eagle? Other wise it looks sweet and your mate should love it (even if he has no freaki g idea how long it takes to make something! )
  10. I found my pricking irons good but before I got them if I was stitching very thick stuff id mark out the spots with a ruler and go to town with a cordless drill and a tiny drill bit. It made short work of the leather and depending what thickness string you were stitching with it looked fine imo. Itd certainly save you some time if you are pushing a awl throuh by hand.. that would be murder!
  11. Really like the paint on the "burn" box. All around very imaginative stuff and well made, but probably a bit much for me to wear down the pub on a friday night!
  12. Nice looking case, ive been thinking about doing something similar myself! Can you tell me now youve been using it how it goes as far as ease of use? I was thinking of putting a matchbox sized block near the side of the camera for moulding so I could get my fingers in and get around the finger grip. I could see it being a bit of a pain to get out sometimes in my imagination? Nice looking case, ive been thinking about doing something similar myself! Can you tell me now youve been using it how it goes as far as ease of use? I was thinking of putting a matchbox sized block near the side of the camera for moulding so I could get my fingers in and get around the finger grip. I could see it being a bit of a pain to get out sometimes in my imagination?
  13. HHaha very nice, perhaps a nice beachside scene with a unicorn frolicing in the shallows would make the disembodied ear a little more palatable! Nice work in any case
  14. Thanks very much! email sent
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