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Sorry to hear that. The last time I made a purcase from Abbey, was about 15 years ago and it was only a bulk buy on the John James 1/0 Saddlers Harness Needles (Box of 1,000). Back then I had 3 to 4 people who handstitched for me and some broke needles on a regular basis. Found these folksout of a dozen suppliers in a Google search: "Bonded polyester thread UK". https://shop.solentsew.co.uk/thread/bonded-polyester.html Prices seem high to me but they do stock "Hemmmingway & Bartlett" various colors in the tkt 20 (138 size) which is one of the better threads. Richard
gunny5821 started following Awls And Needles Where To Buy , Where to buy polyester thread uk? , World war II and later canteen snaps and 2 others
Abbey England (Formerly Abbey Saddlery) abbeyengland.com/workshop-materials/thread-dyes-glues/core-spun-polyester.html abbeyengland.com
I know what you mean. I can't tell you how many times I have made it to the Weaver auction over the past 30 years, both buying and selling equipment and hardware. I still have several pieces of equipment in the shop I have to look at everyday that is emblazoned "Weaver" in the cast metal. It had just got to the point that the last several years I hadn't bought that much from Weaver. Since we began manufacturing our own hardware, they really didn't have anything in the way of leather we could use, especially since we buy a custom tannage direct from Hermann Oak, and we buy a lot. Having gone to dozens of auctions, I felt I knew Paul, Vernon, and Jim Weaver pretty well, having met them so many times, even having Weaver make some custom contract parts for the better part of a year. It really all changed in about 2008, when the Weavers sold out to a big conglomerate Capital Partners, a small Greenwich, Conn., private equity firm https://www.the-daily-record.com/article/20081104/news/311049566, its not a family owned business anymore, so I can't really fault the Weavers. Its just like when BAE Systems bought out Bianchi International (Bianchi Gunleather), they reduced the quantity/number of holsters and belts that Bianchi was making and now only make a few different styles. BAE did the same thing with Safariland, and has since sold Safariland to another group. Its almost to the point if you want it made in the USA, by Golly, you have to do it yourself. Well, I'm off my soap box and hope I haven't ticked too many folks off, it just rubs me a little raw every time I need to buy something that I used to buy from Weaver.
Its been almost two years since the last post on this topic. Anyone gone back to Weaver since then, paying their $200 preferred customer membership fee if you order less than $1200 per year? It galls me just about as much as a big box grocery store asking at check-out "Are you one of our preferred customers?" in order to get a discount. Anytime that happens, I just say apparently not, leave the groceries on the counter and walk out the door. It still frost me that I had an open account, net 30, for 28 years + with Weaver and they implement this policy. That's about as bad as the local hardware, who you've been buying bulk seed and fertilizer from for 30 years, saying "You didn't buy our minimum quantity last year so we can't sell to you at a discount; however, you can purchase our $200 Friends & Family Membership and we will be happy to extend to you the discount". I guess you could say I'm a disgruntled 28 year former Weaver customer, but I used to be very gruntled with Weaver. On a side note: Anything I use to buy from Weaver, I have been purchasing from Beiler's Manufacturing & Supply, Ronks, PA (717) 768-0174. Great folks to deal with. Also, Quarts of Barge All-Purpose Cement can be had, currently delivered through ebay or Amazon Prime (including shipping) cheaper than Weaver. An old Gunny who's still disgruntled. RT
Government contractor/manufacturer USA Made http://www.dotfasteners.com/products/?manufacturer=1481
Here is a National Match Service Rifle Sling in Chestnut Bridle with brass hardware http://forums.thecmp.org/showpost.php?p=1164393&postcount=7 Here are some of our Cheek Pads for the U.S. M1 C/D Rifles, ran on original dies and tooling http://www.jouster2.com/forums/showthread.php?50089-M1D-cheek-piece&p=394776#post394776 http://turnersling.com/
Thanks, in addition to being in the business approaching 30 years, I was once a welder and machinist in a past life, as well as a retired criminal investigator (USMC CID Agent). Here is a link to a bio and backstory on what we do within the shooting industry. http://forums.thecmp.org/showthread.php?t=143280
Here is a bolt and screw company in Buckinghamshire, also an office in Bedford, that has a similar style that could be modified. It is available in metric, 2mm to 30mm in diameter. https://www.themontrosegroup.com/Products/MONTROSE_EYE_BOLTS_PART_THREADED Regards, Richard
Just found this thread. I have had an account with Weaver since late 1988, this year would have been 30 years. I never received a letter and only found out about the change in policy last year (2017) when calling to place an order. I was told my account had been suspended since I had not met their minimum during 2016. Over the past dozen or so years, I have mainly ordered thread, buckle hardware and some tools here and there. Last August, I was informed that I needed to place an opening order for $500 or more and needed to meet the $1,200 minimum by the end of the year in order for them to maintain my account. I don't consider my shop a small operation, since we average consuming 25-30 backs of bridle leather per month, just don't order large quantities from Weaver. We mostly order direct from Hermann Oak, Horween, and Wickett & Craig. We buy any dye or Fiebings products from Beiler's since if they do not stock what we need, Fiebings will drop ship for them and shipping is cheaper than Weaver. Since we make a specialty product, military type rifle slings, WWI and WWII reproduction goods, we had to begin manufacturing our own hardware just to stay in business, since our U.S. supplier discontinued the parts we use several years ago. We use Weaver's nylon and polyester thread since it is made in the USA and gives very few problems in our Campbell/Randall machines. Guess I will have to search for USA mfg thread once our stock gets low. Everything that goes into our military goods is made in the USA, right down to the last stitch. Over the years, I have bought two Adler sewing machines, a Randall 12" strap cutter, a Weaver foot riveter w/hopper feed, and various tools as well as contracting Weaver to do some custom piece work in the past. I just think it is sad that Weaver made the decision to cut off many customers who have been with them for years. Regards, Richard
I have an American Straight Needle Machine and also several Campbell/Randall Machines. I discovered many years ago that the needles and awls for the Campbell/Randall Machines work just fine for the American. The needle is the same, and the awl is about 1/8th" shorter than the American, but long enough to adjust according to the needle/awl setting per American manual. You can get the needles from Campbell Randall in Texas, used to be called Campbell Bosworth Machine Co. until they moved from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I run everything from 3 cord linen on up. I designed an angle plate for mine so I could use it for Box Edge and French Edge corner stitching. Had several of the angle plates made up 15 or so years ago for resale, then my tool and die maker passed. Sold the remainder through the old Harness Shop News magazine. Regards, Richard L. Turner Turner Saddlery, Inc. 800-861-5139 205-680-9377 turnersling.com
wolfe9 Just joined the forum a short while back and ran across your post. I have an American Straight Needle Machine and also several Campbell/Randall Machines. I discovered many years ago that the needles and awls for the Campbell/Randall Machines work just fine for the American. The needle is the same, and the awl is about 1/8th" shorter than the American, but long enough to adjust according to the needle/awl setting per American manual. You can get the needles from Campbell Randall in Texas, used to be called Campbell Bosworth Machine Co. until they moved from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I run everything from 3 cord linen on up. I designed an angle plate for mine so I could use it for Box Edge and French Edge corner stitching. Had several of the angle plates made up 15 or so years ago for resale, then my tool and die maker passed. Sold the remainder through the old Harness Shop News magazine. Also sent you a PM Regards, Richard L. Turner Turner Saddlery, Inc. 800-861-5139 205-680-9377 turnersling.com