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  1. Pic
  2. 2 & 8 teeth, not looking to sell, but trade for the 5.4mm ones, but let me check how much would be shipped to you, if I don't find the trade I'll sell them.
  3. Hello guys I have this Amy Roke pricking irons " Dist. between teeth 3.85 mm - 7 Stitches per Inch" they are brand new, bought them but a little small for what i do. I can send pictures per request, I have the receipt as well to show proof that I bought them directly from them. I would like to trade for the bigger ones which are this ones " Dist. between teeth 5.4 mm - 5 Stitches per Inch" Thanks in Advanced.
  4. Thank you guys, so many possibilities..
  5. Hello guys, I want to make my own scratch awls and probably skiving knife, and I want to know if someone knows where to find the hardware to hold the awl or skiving balder to the wood, the brass parts, hopefully you guys know what I mean, I found some awl scratch kit, but is not really what I want.... Thanks in advanced.
  6. Cool, how much did you end up paying for the set? I jus got my invoice from Amy Roke ..!!
  7. How did you get ahold of him, which set did you get and how much..!?!?
  8. Have you received..!?!? If so how do you like it..??
  9. lokko21

    Elephant Pieces

    Do you have any pictures?
  10. http://www.campbell-randall.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=Hot%20iron&product_id=14436 Hope that helps
  11. So much information, thanks guys, but so hard to decide what to go for...
  12. I'll look into it too, thank you.
  13. Creaser available..???
  14. Following... Did you find it..?? If so any links please..!!!
  15. Where can I find this creaser..??
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