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Status Updates posted by Halitech

  1. Kiwi, it's all your fault. That is all.



    1. DoubleC
    2. Halitech


      And after the show, I still stick by it being your fault.

  2. I think someone is looking to get kicked from here

  3. you would think with all the complaining about the upgrade that people were loosing millions of dollars a day by not being able to access the site or see images. Come on people, it's a free site with the combined knowledge of probably a thousand years and we get it for free. Give the staff a break and let them fix the issues. I'm sure it will be better then before.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OffKilterLeather


      Everything's looking great...nice polish on the site :)

    3. Johanna


      Thank you folks! Have a few issues I'm still working on, but overall I think we've made some big improvements. Happy Easter everyone! :)

    4. Thor


      Johanna, this is already so much nicer than before and I'm confident that you will be able to connect the remaining dots. There will always be the odd person complaining, but again, I'm very happy about the new software and design. It runs a lot smoother and it is more convenient. 

      People may have to understand that this forum, with over 60,000 members is probably the biggest forum for leatherworkers and it is impossible to think about everything with such a huge operation. And as Hali said, it's free. For heaven's sake - people take it as such.

  4. rut roh, sorry kiwi, just realized I made a booboo last night on that case measurements. I'll see you in chat later

  5. Merry Christmas everyone and may 2016 be a prosperous one for us all

  6. Another good day at a craft fair. 1 more for the season and hopefully it will be my best yet

  7. Does anyone know where in Canada you can get pink leather dye?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. leatherwytch


      tell them to get smart. I will be at tandy july 14th I will look for you.

    3. Halitech


      if the staff hadn't all changed in the last 2 months I could have gotten them to order some in but it's all new staff now

    4. leatherwytch


      You can order it from tandy here in Calgary. Phone number is:403-263-1768

  8. some people are liking brick walls when it comes to getting through to them

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halitech


      some times I'd like to drive their heads through the windows lol

    3. Jim


      Never argue with idiots. They will only wear you down with stupidity and drag you to their level!

    4. Halitech


      well, I've dealt with this particular person and won't be dealing with them again

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