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Everything posted by Chayne

  1. No it didn't go through... Sorry been busy and it's not the easiest thing to reply to posts. I go to email where I get the notification, click the link but then have to sign in. I sign in and the link doesnt stay in one spot so anyways thanks for trying. A gentleman gladly sent me one. I'm still on the hunt for a few parts but if I have to wait for the right price I will. Seems when someone finds your looking for parts the prices sky rocket the small market
  2. If you watch the video here you'll see in the beginning how its threaded. Did gateway have replacement parts? https://youtu.be/vgt0AUp3emU
  3. Ok thanks Catskin! I stumbled across this by accident and then couldnt find it again because they call it an american straight stitch in the video. After extensive searching I found it again so if ya'll have never seen the beautiful it makes he ya go...yes it sucks it only has a 3 inch throat!
  4. BSS I'm located in Louisiana and Catskin my email is hossnozzie@yahoo.com...it would be great if you could send me one...Thanks a bunch. Someone said theres one posted here but can't find it
  5. Big Sioux Saddlery if you see one for sale at that price let me know...in fact any under 200. I'm needing parts for mine and saw someone speaking of finding a manual here for them but didn't specif. I've looked everywhere here I can think of and haven't found one yet. I called pilgram and they want 600 for 2 pedals and the stitch adjustment bar.....a little steep for me
  6. A heads up! Its just a paper weight . Just so happens they don't make leather needles for it any longer.
  7. Sorry my mistake 92 at best huh? Hmm well I did see a pick of it sewing hatbands in and I do make hats so we'll soon see. Yes Gump I was planning on giving all info and what I've learned from it from tinckering with it to pass it on. The machines went from 127w1-127w99. Machine head I rebuilt a 29-4 with cowboybobs help so I am familiar with these guys but I could a swore if I did 138 on a a 29-4 that this machine would do the same if not better
  8. Thanks y'all even though its not what I wanted to hear. Hey Bob think I can push to 138? For the price I purchased it for I don't believe I'll be at a loss considering its all there even the spool holder and doesn't look bad. If I can't push it to at leat 138 I'll fix the bugs and whatever I can and just sell it.
  9. Lol bob never heard of the machine I already tried.. I was hoping it would see 277 if any way possible Lol bob never heard of the machine I already tried.. I was hoping it would see 277 if any way possible
  10. Also states all classes except for WSC whatever that means WSV SORRY
  11. Ouch! No way to get a bigger thread on it huh? The research I've done says 138 with size 20-22 needle 134x1 There's a 127 and a 127w which they go up to 127w99 There's a 127 and a 127w which they go up to 127w99 There's a 127 and a 127w which they go up to 127w99
  12. Anyone have any info on this 127W1? thread,needles so on
  13. Tomorrow I'll be picking up a 127W1 and was told you might have some info on it Wiz. It's a very rare machine that is non existant on the web and in singers search engine. Any help at all would be greI believe but not 100% certain it take 138 thread not sure what needle. It's a gem to collectors I would think but seems to be a bit of a nightmare for me
  14. just a question I probablly know the answer to already but can you make wateloops out of the belly? I'm thinking it wouldn't be a good idea but wondering
  15. One more thing..I don't know how you are cutting your leather but if you don't already have a draw gauge I suggest you do as a strap cutter won't work and throw your staight edge off and damage the leather as it doesn't open wide enough as you get to the thicker part of the neck where you will be cutting weighted reins
  16. Hello Texas Leash Co. Thank you for the ifno first off..Second I may not be the guy to ask but I can certainly tell you what has been working for me..I ended up with a Russet side that far exceeded my expectations after having the nightmare but now have been very pleased. My water loop are cut seperate from the reins themselves and cut them at 11" that adds around 2 inches to the rein thength so If I have a a 7' 10" cut it makes up for the 8'. I have worked leather over 10 years and have never cut any strips longer than say 45" making belts so I've notices making reins you do get stretch just by working them. So what I'm saying is that you may get 1" to 2" inches of stretch with the reins watcerloop not included. If you're make 8' you should be able to do so with a 7'8" cut with 11" waterloop. Hope this help but I'm sure some theres are different this is just the leather that I'm using. I'm not a masster at reins and feel you should get a second opinion but like I said this is my first crack at it at seems to work for me...Good Luck Wow! Should have proof read that...It's been a long day
  17. Anyone here know what size needle to use in a singer 29-4? I'm using 138 top and #69 bottom on veg-tan. Been given 3 different size needles without luck. Currently using DPX16DIA and seems the shaft is too small as I tighten the needle it tweaks to one side. Thanks
  18. Thanks for the speedy reply Bruce. I've heard lots of great things about Wickett & Craig but myt expirience with them didn't go so well. I spoke with (I won;t say his name) a sales person and mentioned everything I needed and wanted to do and that this was my first order with them and first time making reins. I asked for advice and so on and that the folks where I'm from 8 foot split and asked what the "B" grade condition was and he said scratches here and there. I figured since this was my first run at reins I could work around that as I have worked leather about 10 years. The order was placed on Sept. 5th and I called back on the 11 th as he had told me he would send email confirmation and damage to the credit card....Nothing.. So I called and asked where and when should I be recieving the leather the operater transfered me to the salesperson that took my order but was in a confrence, called later that day he was out. Called on the 12th and he wasn't in that day and wouldn't be in till the following Friday so I spoke to a different Sales Person. I asked the second sales person if he could help me with my purchased item and said yes it was shipped Monday and sent me my email confirmation and total was very nice of him. So I recieved the leather today the 14th and man was I excited, I opened it up and thought now let me see just how many splits reins I can get out of this 8 footers anyway and measured that only 5 inches of it would only get me about 3 pairs of 5/8 wide at $45.00 bucks a pop. Not much return on the investment. Then looked again as I did notice a stain of some sort and low and behold a 2 1/2 inch PATCH right in the middle of where my longest reins would have been cut. I'm really trying to keep a grip as my head has been killing me ever since I got this nightmare. Not sure if they mistook me for a fool, a niave noobie on leather or not a a bulk buyer and really didn't care. One more thing, the invoice reads that the salesperson was the second one I spoke to HUH? Now I have the most expensive floor mat in my town
  19. I'm in a fix. I ordered a harness back from Wickett & Craig to Make 8 foot split reins but it's only 7 1/2 feet at most at it's longest point. Am I missing something? Do I stretch the heck out of it? Please Help
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